Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

9 November 2022
Reading: 4 min

Hello everyone! This is PWA.Market — the most convenient tool for creating PWA apps for ad campaigns.

When we communicate with partners, we often hear that PWA apps and Nutra are incompatible, and you have to be crazy to send traffic to Nutra offers via mobile apps anyway. No doubt, a combination “lander + call center” is a more wide-spread approach within this vertical. But if you follow the trends of the international market, you might have noticed the rise in physical and mental health awareness. And like literally anything nowadays, this ideas are wrapped up in Android or iOS applications for ease of use.

Keep reading, if you want to learn the tricks of driving traffic to nutra offers through PWA apps. Our affiliate has given his permission to share this case study, but asked us not to reveal his name. Enjoy reading!


  • Offer: Keto Balance (slimming capsules)
  • GEO: Spain
  • Source: Facebook
  • Period: 11 days
  • Spend: $4 850
  • Revenue: $10 170
  • ROI: 110%
  • Total amount of leads: 2 296

One of the best GEOs to send traffic through PWA applications to Nutra offers are European countries, where the topic of weight loss and fitness is very popular. By the way, there are plenty of affiliate networks that provide offers from this niche. 

If you want to drive traffic via PWA apps, use a convenient landing page without further processing by a call center. There are also PWA applications that work great with offers in the form of subscriptions to workout and nutrition programs. These categories of offers allow you to target a fairly wide audience of men and women from 24 years old.

You will find an example of a PWA application that we used for the Keto Balance (weight loss capsules) offer below.

Example of a PWA app for the Keto Balance offer

Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

A great advantage of PWA apps is that the app remains on the device after the initial purchase and increases the chances of repeat orders. Meanwhile, the built-in push notifications will help retain the user and increase their LTV. With push notifications, you can remind users to take medication, send interesting facts about human health or useful tips for losing weight. For a campaign flow that involves the Keto Balance nutra offer + a PWA-application we made the following creos:

Example of push notifications #1

Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

Example of push notifications #2

Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

Example of push notifications #3

Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

Now let’s talk about cloaking and white pages. The cloaking page should resemble the white page and have something to do with the product you promote. Otherwise, your ads are likely to be rejected by the traffic source. By the way, for all new users, we give 15% off any monthly subscription in our service. Promo code: ZORBASMEDIA. (Any monthly subscription except of monthly subscription “Trial”.)

Below are examples of white pages we’ve taken for Keto Balance offer:

Example of a white page #1

Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

Example of a white page #2

Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

About ad creatives. Creative is the first thing a user encounters in the advertising funnel, so you should to make sure it’s as engaging as possible. A couple of tips when choosing creative for Facebook and TikTok:

  • Use photos of real people with the product. This approach will make your ad super compelling, because people will see other people in the ad and relate to them.
  • Show the result of using the product. People should see what they get after buying the product.
  • Use professional terms (but not too complicated). This will make the advertisement more engaging and add seriousness.
  • State the country of manufacture. For example, if you’re promoting beauty products, write that it’s made in South Korea. For many people, South Korea synonymous with beauty products for rejuvenation.
  • Use a minimum of information on the banner and accentuate it correctly, based on the product’s USP.

We used the following creatives for the case study. First creative format: short before/after video. The second: a beautiful girl demonstrating the product.

Creative preview: a short before/after video Creative preview: a beautiful girl demonstrating the product
Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI

Final results

What are the results? We got the following results from our launch to the Keto Balance offer via PWA applications: 

  • Spend: $4 850
  • Revenue: $10 170
  • ROI: 110%
  • Total amount of leads: 2 296

Sending Traffic to Nutra Offers via PWA Apps with 110% ROI


The combination of PWA apps and Nutra offers works and can yield steep results. Our partner’s example demonstrates that the ROI can reach 110%. Sign up With PWA.Market and try this approach for yourself!

By the way, our team is open to close cooperation with all affiliate teams, advertisers and affiliate programs. We will be happy to create a case study with you! Besides, our team provides cool bonuses for cases! If you have any questions, please contact Alexandra.

Sending traffic is easier with us!

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