Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

30 September 2020
Reading: 3 min

Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

Source: TrafficJunky                                                                

AdFormat: header 305×99                                                                   

Time period:  22-28 August 2020



SOI mob/web: $1.9 / $2.5

Costs: $640

Revenue: $735.5

ROI: 14.86%



SOI mob/web: $5/ $5 

Costs: $476

Revenue: $555

ROI: 16.55%

We’ve chosen 2 offers for each geo. Landing pages look like these ones:


Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

TrafficJunky was selected as a traffic source. After all Pornhub is the biggest porn-site there is. Offers were found in TopOffers Telegram chat, so you’d better monitor that, if you want to get good offers and deals on them.

Targeting options:

Frequency Capping — 1/12h

Locations — USA

Device — Mobile

OS — Android

Browser Language — English

CPM — $0.205 (min — $0.203)

Daily budget — $40

Frequency Capping — 1/12h

Locations — JPN

Device — Mobile

OS — Android

Browser Language — Japanese, Chinese, English

СPM — $0.07 (min — $0.065) — $0.11

Daily budget — $40


Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

We have used 3 banners for each campaign and launched them.


Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

The US traffic started running right away, although JPN was not so easy to get. It took us 2 days to set up the right bid, and we were monitoring the situation during this time. At last, the traffic started running at $0.11 CPM.


Here’s a stat for the US:

Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

CTR is high due to the OS targeting, but even for the US Android 0.29% is above average. 

JPN stat:

Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

Here’s a dashboard from TopOffers:

Case Study: Monetizing USA/JPN Dating with TopOffers

How to scale up?

We have started with Android OS since it is cheaper. Once it is launched successfully, you can add iOS.

Also, you can increase the daily caps, target top hours, cut frequency; increase the bid (for JPN). 

ROI doesn’t seem to be that big, but :

  1. Once you’ve found a geo+offer combo, you should refresh your creatives and optimize the funnel;
  2. Test new offers! 
  3. While your campaigns are bringing profit you should scale and do widen your geography! 

Join TopOffers and their Telegram chat to receive best offers Good luck, fellows!

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