Affiliate Marketing Terms Glossary

21 November 2022
Reading: 5 min

If you’re a newbie in affiliate marketing, you’ve probably already encountered a lot of professional terms. You should definitely pay attention to introducing these words into your vocabulary for several reasons: 

  1. Personal understanding of the affiliate marketing industry specifics. The more prof words and slang you memorize, the more context you’ll be able to understand in the media and in communication with your colleagues. Eventually, you’ll start laughing at affiliate memes.
  2. Satisfying SEO algorithms. The use of niche terms boosts the frequency with which your content appears in search engines. It allows you to increase traffic and interaction with your audience. This is mostly relevant if you work in a media environment and create content for your media-buying fellows. 

When your head is spinning from the variety of acronyms and industry slang, there is a need for their structured description. Lucky you! We have just prepared such a glossary for our readers. Here you will find the most popular terms and expressions that come up in conversations between affiliate marketers. For convenient navigation, all words are arranged in alphabetical order, so you can easily refer to the dictionary at any time.

Affiliate — a person or a company who sets up, launches, and runs a marketing campaign by attempting to sell a product or service to third-party advertisers through customized channels.

Affiliate network — a platform that acts as an intermediary between advertisers and affiliates. There you will find a selection of products available for promotion, these are referred to as “offers”.

Cloaking — a method of search engine optimization, which is hiding a webpage’s content or an affiliate tracking code on a link. So the information that visitors and search robots/moderators see in the resource is displayed differently. Check out our article on landers and white pages that sheds more light on this topic.

Commission — the amount that the affiliate earns for their work in promoting their client’s product or service. Often referred to as rate or payout.

CPA (Cost Per Action) — a payout model when a marketer receives payment for users who performed the target action (registration on the site, making a purchase, filling out a callback form, etc.).

CPC (Cost Per Click) — the value of one click on a banner or creative as well as a payout model with commission per click.

CPL (Cost Per Lead) — the value of attracting one potential customer from a particular channel or traffic source (and another payout model too).

CPV (Cost Per Visitor) — payment per one user’s visit to the website.

Creative — an ad (banner, text, video, etc.) in which you create an eye-catching object.

Affiliate Marketing Terms Glossary

Lead — a sales contact, potential customer, or visitor who has committed the target action (subscribed to the newsletter, downloaded information material, left a phone number, etc.).

Offer — a product/service intended for promotion with all related information provided by advertisers and promoted by publishers/affiliates (traffic owners).

ROI (Return On Investment) — in affiliate marketing, it is a financial indicator of the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. It can be measured as the difference between how much did you invest and the amount of money you got back.

Traffic — is the flow of visitors to the platform. Usually, it’s a measure of the success of a website’s promotion. 

Vertical — a niche in the industry with a certain type of offer. The category of content you’re working with. These are only some of the verticals:

  • Antivirus — advertising personal data protection systems on different devices.
  • Adult — promotion of goods and services, rated 18+. The sphere of erotica and porn.
  • Betting — section of betting shop services.
  • Crypto — cryptocurrency and everything connected with it.
  • Dating — dating sites and apps for romantic interactions. Usually divided into mainstream and adult dating.
  • E-commerce — online sales of anything imaginable. A superset of nutra.
  • Education — the educational sphere, associated with the search for students to provide paid services (writing term papers and dissertations, reports, etc.).
  • Gambling — online casino niche.
  • Games — advertising apps, games, and programs (the purpose — install and perform a targeted action, such as achieving a level).
  • Nutra — a vertical related to the field of health and beauty. It can be dietary supplements, weight loss, skin care, specific medicines, or even a potency enhancer.
  • Sweepstakes — exchange of the user’s personal data for an opportunity to participate in a contest and win a big prize.
  • Travel — organization, and sale of services in the sphere of recreation and tourism (hotel and excursions booking, transportation tickets, etc.).

Final thoughts

To work comfortably in affiliate marketing, it is essential to navigate tons of specialized vocabulary and occasionally refer to dictionaries. This is a great opportunity for new affiliate marketers to ease the adaptation to this niche, while for media-buying professionals it is always important to improve their competencies and learn something new in spite of their extensive expertise. We wish you more clarity in communication and loads of traffic!

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