ASO Metrics: How to Assess App Visibility in the App Store and Google Play

28 July 2023
Reading: 5 min

Measuring the performance of App Store Optimization (ASO) goes beyond simply tracking app positions in search results. To gain meaningful insights and establish accurate goals, it is essential to analyze other crucial ASO metrics. In this article, we will explore the key performance indicators (KPIs) that deserve attention when evaluating the effectiveness of ASO. 

ASO Metrics: How to Assess App Visibility in the App Store and Google Play

Categories of metrics

The visibility of an app in the App Store and Google Play is influenced by keyword rankings for relevant queries and their popularity. When evaluating app visibility in search, it is crucial to consider both quantitative and qualitative indicators. These indicators provide a comprehensive understanding of the app’s visibility and the impact of ASO efforts.

Quantitative indicators

We should assess the number of queries in which our app ranks in the top 5, 10, or lower positions. An app that ranks in the top 5 enjoys good visibility, while an app ranking in the top 5-20 has only the potential for good visibility. To evaluate visibility by query, we can analyze daily dynamics and assess how the app’s position has changed over a selected period. 

We can also assess impressions (the number of times your app is shown in search), product page views (the number of page views of your app), and app units (the number of app installs). 

However, relying solely on app positions is insufficient when evaluating the effectiveness of ASO because the analysis of app positions does not provide a clear understanding of the relevance and frequency of search queries. An app may rank high for an unpopular query that generates minimal traffic and does not contribute to user engagement. Thus, qualitative indicators play a significant role in determining the app’s visibility and overall success.

ASO Metrics: How to Assess App Visibility in the App Store and Google Play

Qualitative indicators

Qualitative ASO metrics refer to the subjective data and insights that provide a deeper understanding of user behavior, preferences, and satisfaction. These metrics focus on gathering feedback and observations. Here are some examples of qualitative ASO metrics:

  • User reviews and ratings. Analyzing user reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into user satisfaction, pain points, and suggestions for improvement. It helps identify areas where the app excels and areas that need attention.
  • User feedback. Gathering feedback directly from users through surveys, interviews, or feedback forms can provide qualitative insights into their experiences, preferences, and suggestions. This information can help shape future ASO strategies and improvements.
  • User behavior and engagement. Tracking user behavior within the app, such as time spent on different screens, features used, or actions taken, can provide insights into user engagement and preferences. This information can guide decisions on optimizing the user experience.

By considering qualitative ASO metrics alongside quantitative metrics, app developers and ASO specialists can gain a more holistic understanding of user behavior, preferences, and satisfaction. This knowledge can guide optimization efforts and lead to better user experiences and higher app performance.

Indirect indicators

Factors such as app quality, update frequency, page design, localization, and app ranking all play a role in determining the likelihood of getting featured. To strive for top app rankings, it is important to regularly monitor your app’s ranking information.

You should understand that getting an app listed in categories and top charts is the outcome of an effective promotion strategy. Initially, an app needs to accumulate a significant number of installations before it can secure a position in the top charts. At the same time, being listed in categories and top charts does not always guarantee a high number of installations.

While appearing in the top charts can be tracked as an additional metric, the primary focus for an ASO specialist should be on achieving high positions in popular search queries. The ultimate goal is to drive installations resulting from these prominent search positions.

ASO Metrics: How to Assess App Visibility in the App Store and Google Play

Evaluating conversion rate

The role of an ASO specialist goes beyond increasing app visibility; it also involves converting app page views into installations. While text optimization influences app visibility in search results, visual metadata plays a crucial role in driving install conversions.

When evaluating the effectiveness of ASO, it is essential to analyze internal metrics such as the number of installs, app page views, and conversion rate. These metrics directly impact the app’s revenue.

Assessing app installs and conversion rate from the app page

When evaluating the success of a promotional campaign, it is crucial to consider the following in-app marketing metrics:

  • Impressions. This refers to the number of times an app title is viewed in an App Store search for more than 1 second.
  • Product page views. This metric measures the number of times the app’s page is viewed in the App Store.
  • App installs. This indicator tracks the number of times the app is opened for the first time after installation.
  • App units. This metric records the number of times the “install” button is clicked.
  • Conversion rate. CR calculates the percentage of app page views that result in an actual installation.

It’s important to note that Google Play Analytics only considers the initial app installs when analyzing these metrics.

The ASO specialist needs to assess the changes in installation and conversion rates following optimization efforts. These metrics should be analyzed alongside the app’s rankings in the top stores. In some cases, we observe that increasing the number of impressions leads to a decrease in the conversion rate, while the number of installs remains the same. This indicates that the optimization did not yield positive results. Conversely, there are instances where the number of impressions decreases, but the conversion rate remains unchanged or increases, resulting in an increase in installs. In such cases, it is important to identify which keywords or updates contributed to these positive outcomes.

It is crucial to evaluate the overall effectiveness of iterations by analyzing the app’s visibility, as well as the number of installs and conversions. This comprehensive approach allows for a thorough assessment of the optimization efforts.

Comparison of conversion rate with the market average

Conversion rates can vary significantly across different categories in the App Store and Google Play. Certain categories may have lower conversion rates, while others may have higher rates. For instance, the average conversion rate in the “Entertainment” category of the App Store is relatively low, typically around 5%. On the other hand, the “Sports” category can boast conversion rates as high as 69%.

Hence, it is important to compare your app’s conversion rate with the market average for its respective category. This comparison allows you to gauge the performance of your app’s conversion rate in relation to industry standards and identify areas for improvement.

ASO Metrics: How to Assess App Visibility in the App Store and Google Play

Key Components to Include in an ASO Performance Report

An ASO performance report should encompass several essential components to provide a comprehensive overview of the app’s optimization efforts. Here are some key elements that should be included:

  • App Store/Google Play metrics. Include data on the app’s visibility, such as keyword rankings, category rankings, and overall app store rankings. This helps assess the app’s discoverability and exposure to potential users.
  • Conversion metrics. Analyze conversion-related metrics, such as the number of app page views, app installs, and conversion rate. These metrics provide insights into how effectively the app’s page is converting views into actual installations.
  • Keyword performance. Evaluate the performance of targeted keywords by tracking their rankings and their impact on app visibility and conversion. This helps identify the effectiveness of keyword optimization strategies.
  • Competitor analysis. Compare the app’s performance against its competitors by analyzing their rankings, conversion rates, and other relevant metrics. This allows for benchmarking and identifying areas where the app can gain a competitive advantage.
  • User feedback and ratings. Monitor user reviews, ratings, and feedback to understand user sentiment and identify areas for improvement. This qualitative data provides valuable insights into user satisfaction and app performance.
  • Recommendations and action plan. Based on the analysis of the above metrics, provide recommendations and an action plan for further optimization. This may include suggestions for keyword adjustments, visual enhancements, or other strategies to improve visibility and conversion.

ASO Metrics: How to Assess App Visibility in the App Store and Google Play

By including these components in an ASO performance report, you can gain a complex understanding of the app’s optimization efforts and make informed decisions to enhance its visibility, conversion, and overall performance.


Assessing app visibility in the App Store and Google Play is an important aspect of app optimization and success. By understanding the factors that influence app visibility, ASO specialists can make informed decisions to improve app visibility and increase organic downloads. To effectively assess app visibility, it is essential to consider both quantitative and qualitative metrics. Regular monitoring and analysis of app visibility metrics allow for ongoing optimization efforts. By tracking changes in keyword rankings, analyzing user feedback, and staying updated on industry trends, app developers can adapt their strategies to maintain and improve app visibility over time.

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