Reactivation Emails: How to Re-engage Your Subscribers

12 July 2023
Reading: 2 min

We have all had such experiences when users got subscribed to our newsletter, but then just disappeared — stopped opening the emails. Inactive subscribers can be very frustrating to some, and, what’s more painful, they decrease the performance of the whole newsletter. So, how can one re-engage the subscribers? Today we will talk about re-activation emails which are supposed to help you with the issue. 

What is a reactivation email

A reactivation email, also known as a re-engagement letter, is sent with the aim of re-engaging subscribers who have become inactive. These subscribers are users who have either stopped interacting with your email campaigns or have significantly reduced their level of engagement. The purpose of a reactivation email is to encourage these inactive users to re-engage with your brand and start interacting with your email content again.

What can be the reason to send a re-engagement letter

There is no news that nurturing existing contacts and customers is crucial. Among these contacts can be inactive subscribers who have previously shown interest in your brand. Given that acquiring new clients is often more costly than retaining existing ones, it makes sense to invest efforts in re-engaging these inactive subscribers. By doing so, you can potentially revive their interest and strengthen the relationship, ultimately benefiting your business.

How sending a reactivation email can benefit your brand

Sending a reactivation email can bring several benefits to your brand, including:

  • Enhancing engagement and deliverability. By reaching out to inactive subscribers, you have the opportunity to re-ignite their interest and encourage them to start engaging with your email campaigns again. This can lead to improved engagement metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates, which in turn can positively impact your deliverability rates.
  • Boosting sales. Reactivating inactive subscribers can potentially lead to increased sales. By reminding them of your brand and showcasing new products, promotions, or exclusive offers, you can re-ignite their interest and motivate them to make a purchase.
  • Validating your email database. Sending reactivation emails allows you to assess the quality and relevance of your email database. By identifying and removing inactive subscribers who no longer wish to receive your emails, you can maintain a more accurate and engaged subscriber list. This can help improve the overall effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

Checklist for crafting a reactivation email

  • Compelling subject line. Grab the attention of your subscribers by using a captivating subject line that entices them to open your email. 
  • Personalization. Tailor your email to each subscriber by using their name and referencing their past interactions or preferences. This personal touch shows that you value their individual needs and interests.
  • Timeliness. Don’t wait too long to send your reactivation email. Reach out to subscribers before they completely disengage or lose interest. Timing is crucial to increase the chances of re-engagement.
  • Testing. Experiment with different elements of your reactivation email to optimize its effectiveness. Test variations of subject lines, content, email frequency, and timing to determine what resonates best with your audience. 

What to avoid when sending reactivation emails

  • Don’t rely on a single email. It’s unlikely that a single email will be enough to win back an inactive subscriber. Plan a series of emails that gradually re-engage them, providing valuable content and incentives to regain their interest.
  • Avoid sending the same email to all inactive subscribers. Take into account the reasons why subscribers became disengaged in the first place. Tailor your reactivation campaign to address their specific needs and concerns, ensuring that the email content resonates with their interests.
  • Know your limits. If a subscriber continues to show disinterest or remains unresponsive, it may be time to let them go. Reactivation emails can also help you identify truly inactive subscribers who should be removed from your email list to maintain a more engaged and relevant audience.

3 inspiring re-engagement strategies to go

“We’ve Missed You”

This re-engagement strategy centers around making the user feel valued and reminding them of the initial reasons they signed up. Instead of dwelling on their inactivity, the focus is shifted towards a gentle reminder of the benefits they can receive by re-engaging with your brand. By highlighting the value they can gain, you aim to reignite their interest and encourage them to take action.

Reactivation Emails: How to Re-engage Your Subscribers Reactivation Emails: How to Re-engage Your Subscribers

“Special Offer”

This re-engagement strategy leverages the power of exclusive offers to entice and stand out from competitors. By providing subscribers with a special discount, promotion, or incentive, you create a sense of urgency and excitement. This approach taps into the universal appeal of getting a great deal, making it an effective way to re-engage subscribers and encourage them to take action.

Reactivation Emails: How to Re-engage Your Subscribers Reactivation Emails: How to Re-engage Your Subscribers

“Are you still in?”

Sometimes, it’s necessary to consider removing subscribers from your list if they constantly show signs of disengagement, even if they haven’t officially opted out. Allowing disengaged subscribers to remain on your list can negatively impact your engagement metrics and, subsequently, your deliverability.

To determine if a subscriber is genuinely disengaged, it’s best to ask them directly. If they respond negatively or don’t respond at all, just remove them from your list. If they still show no interest, it’s unlikely that they will engage in the future either. By proactively managing your subscriber list, you can maintain a more engaged and responsive audience.

Reactivation Emails: How to Re-engage Your Subscribers Reactivation Emails: How to Re-engage Your Subscribers


Re-engagement emails play a vital role in maintaining a strong and active subscriber base. By reaching out to inactive or disengaged subscribers, brands have the opportunity to re-ignite their interest, boost engagement, and drive valuable actions. Whether it’s through personalized content, exclusive offers, or gentle reminders of the value they can receive, re-engagement emails offer a strategic approach to reconnecting with your audience.

However, it’s important to remember that re-engagement emails are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each brand and audience is unique, requiring tailored strategies and careful analysis of engagement metrics. Regular testing and optimization are crucial to uncovering what resonates best with your subscribers and maximizing the effectiveness of your re-engagement campaigns.

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