Bet on It: Building Your Sportsbook from the Ground Up

4 January 2024
Reading: 8 min

Hey, have you seen how sports betting is totally taking off? So, maybe now is the time to jump in and be the go-to bookie? Well, the pot is getting bigger every day. If you’re nodding along thinking, “Yeah, this sounds like my jam,” then you’re probably wondering how to get in on the action, right? We’re dropping a guide with all the steps to kick off your own sportsbook.

Bet on It: Building Your Sportsbook from the Ground Up

The tech side of your sports betting business 

So you’ve decided to jump into the sportsbook pool — cool. When it comes to the gear you need, you’ve got two main plays:

  1. DIY your own betting platform
  2. Grab a ready-to-go package from the pros

Going DIY with your sportsbook tech

If you’re thinking of building your sportsbook platform from the ground up, you need to be loaded with iGaming smarts and totally get the tech side of things. Taking this route means you’re in charge of all the details — from coding to customer service. It’s a big ask. You’ll need a squad of devs, managers, risk analysts, etc.

Rigging up your own system is a giant pile of cash and effort, and it’s not guaranteed to pay off. Plus, we’re talking a year, maybe more, just to get it market-ready.

Snagging a turnkey solution

If you’re iGaming savvy, tailoring your own setup could be a smart move to level up. But if you’re just breaking into the scene, why not score a reputable, ready-made sports betting package? It’s quick and way cheaper.

Why take the turnkey route? Here’s the deal:

  • It’s kinder to your wallet. Skip the drama of building and running a full team, and dodge those long chats (and costs) with payment and data vendors.
  • Lightning-fast launch. You can roll out in weeks. Crafting your own core software? A year. Minimum. And that’s without the extra setup stuff.
  • Solid and tested. When you pick a pre-built product, you’re not just getting code; you’re scoring a dedicated team, a legacy of success, and some serious technical chops.

Now, before you dive in and become a bookie, picking the right software is key. How do you know who’s the real deal?

  • Check out how customizable it is. You want more than a cookie-cutter setup; you need tech that can groove with your vibe.
  • Size up the support on offer. Things like player support, design peeps, risk managers, tech wizards — they’ll make or break your rep. It’s sweet if your supplier can cover this.
  • Balance the cost against what you’re getting. Saving dough is great, but don’t just chase the cheapest options — it might cost you more in the long run.

Data providers

You can’t really kick-start this game without one. Picking a foolproof supplier is huge because they’ll help you grab a piece of the market and keep risks at bay. So, here’s the scoop if you’re looking to become a bookie but don’t have much XP — choosing a sketchy data provider can bite you back with dodgy odds or slow updates, messing with your bank and your rep.

How to find a top-notch sports data provider:

  • Accuracy is king. Get this wrong, and you’re not just losing cash on double-checking data; you’re also playing with your customers’ trust if bad info leaks onto your site.
  • The data delivery. There’s a bunch of ways to get your hands on data, and it’s going to fit snug with your setup. Make sure you get the instructions manual — crystal-clear documentation means easier and cheaper setup.
  • Managing the risky business. A risk management tool is key for spotting and handling whatever comes your way. Without it, you’re flying solo on making choices backed by solid facts.
  • Be the one who stands out. You could cook up your own stats and info, but that’s going to stack the costs — more dough, more dev time, and more hands needed. That’s why snagging a provider that dishes out exclusive data makes a ton of sense.

Starting from the ground up means it’s on you to plug into a data provider — and that usually costs extra. Contracts can be a maze, even for the savvy operators, and hidden fees are a real pain. Even after you sign on the dotted line, don’t expect to start using that data on day one.

Web design

You’ve got a mix in the crowd; some folks are there for the exclusive events or crypto bets, others are hunting for those sweet bonus deals. Design isn’t everything, but if your site looks like it’s stuck in the ’90s, it’s a one-way ticket for players to bounce to the competition.

Alright, so what’s the game plan for a killer betting site design? It has to be no sweat to use. If your visitors have to play hide-and-seek with your “sign up” or “promo” buttons, they’re out. And don’t forget sorting or filters — big plus for the browsing game.

Next up, make sure your design feels like it belongs in the betting world. Roll out the red carpet with colors, pictures, and a font that says, “This is where the betting magic happens” (but don’t take it too literally — be more creative).

Then, align it with what you’re hustling — grabbing attention and nudging players to sign up, bet, or catch the latest events. Make sure calls-to-action are practically winking at your visitors.

And don’t forget about the mobile version. If it isn’t smooth like butter, you’re basically giving the cold shoulder to a hefty chunk of your audience.

Bet on It: Building Your Sportsbook from the Ground Up

Legal stuff and payment integrations

Brace yourself, because in this niche, the legal stuff is like a maze on steroids. Picking where to plant your flag and which license to nab is a big deal — it’s all about where you want your biz to shine and who you’re aiming to bring in.

Going solo for a license? You’re gonna need:

  • A squad of legal eagles who know their way around iGaming laws.
  • Patience, loads of it. 

Now, let’s gab about the money movement. Chatting up payment providers can feel like running a marathon. You can’t just hook up a couple of payment methods and call it a day. Your players, they crave choices — cards, digital wallets, crypto, etc. For your sportsbook to really vibe with your users, you’ve got to think hard about what payment systems they groove to. It’s all about the markets you want to enter.

Building a legal dream team and wading through paper can bog you down, big time. It gobbles up what you can’t afford to lose — time to hit the market and test out those genius strategies. Sometimes, it’s way smarter to snag a white label sportsbook setup — a package deal with all the licenses you need and a bunch of payment methods ready to roll. Dump the legal headaches on your provider and get a head start.

Bet on It: Building Your Sportsbook from the Ground Up


So, you’ve got your sportsbook all jazzed up and looking fly. Now, you have to make sure people actually want to hang out there. It’s showtime for your marketing game. We’re talking about getting the word out — who you are and what you’re all about:

  • Craft a statement that sums up what you’re bringing to the table.
  • Check out the competition and see where you stand.
  • Whip up something that makes you the go-to spot that no one else can touch.

Now, if you’re going to keep things running smooth inside the biz, you’ll need pros. A killer marketing crew is a must — they’re the wizards behind the curtain handling all the hype, setting up killer tournaments, and figuring out what freebies to throw the crowd.

Now, let’s talk perks because who doesn’t love a good bonus? They can totally tip the scales when players are deciding where to throw down their bets. Spice up your offers with themed tournaments, and personalized rewards. Give them that VIP feel on their betting journey.

Though, where there’s honey, there are bees — and in the betting world, that means bonus hunters and scammers. So, while you’re doling out bonuses and getting players hyped, make sure you’ve got a top-notch anti-fraud team. Go with a software provider that’s got their guard up.

Okay, you’ve got a sleek website and a tempting bonus menu, which is solid. But to really get your name out there, think announcements, interviews, press releases — all that jazz, especially in iGaming forums and on news feeds where everyone’s already hanging out.

Don’t just stop at SEO and ad banners. Contextual ads and affiliate marketing — these are your bread and butter. In the iGaming business, it’s all about being seen. And with search engines putting the squeeze on, having a network of affiliates is like having gold. 

Bet on It: Building Your Sportsbook from the Ground Up

Final thoughts

Jumping into the sports betting world is no walk in the park — it’s a big deal that needs you to really do your homework. It’s not just about having a slick website or throwing around cool bonuses that makes your sportsbook the place to be. What really matters is the crew backing you up — their smarts, their know-how.

Just ask any seasoned owner, and they’ll tell you straight: hooking up with a full-service squad that knows the ins and outs of running an iGaming brand is the smart move when you’re kicking off your sportsbook.

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