Email Validation: How to Reach High Deliverability and Open Rates

25 July 2023
Reading: 4 min

Email marketing involves more than just designing appealing emails; it also entails effectively managing your mailing list. In this article, we will discuss the importance of optimizing your subscriber base to achieve high open rates (OR) and click-through rates (CTR), with a specific focus on the concept of email validation.

Email Validation: How to Reach High Deliverability and Open Rates

What email validation is 

Email validation is the essential process of verifying the authenticity and accuracy of email addresses used for sending newsletters. The primary objective of validation is to ensure that each email address in your mailing list is valid and active.

The validation process employs various methods and tools to examine the syntax of email addresses, confirm the existence of domains and MX records, and identify temporary or spam addresses. By conducting these checks, you can ensure that your newsletters reach their intended recipients and avoid being rejected or marked as spam. In addition, newsletter validation may encompass checking for spam filters and analyzing recipient activity. These steps allow you to optimize your mailing process and enhance audience engagement.

The advantages of email validation are numerous. It enhances newsletter deliverability, reduces bounce and return rates, and enhances the reputation of the sender. Additionally, it saves valuable time and resources by eliminating invalid addresses from your mailing list, allowing you to focus on engaging with active and interested audiences. Email newsletter validation proves particularly valuable for marketers and business owners seeking to maximize the impact of their email campaigns. 

It is crucial to recognize that email validation is an ongoing process rather than a one-time task. Regular validation is recommended, especially when building new mailing lists or updating existing ones. This practice ensures the continued quality and relevance of your email lists, while also guaranteeing successful delivery to your intended recipients.

Email Validation: How to Reach High Deliverability and Open Rates

The validation process

Email list validation involves multiple steps and can vary depending on the tools and services used. Here’s a general overview of the process:

  • Syntax validation. This step ensures that the email addresses in your list have the correct format and adhere to established standards. It checks for proper characters, the placement of the “@” symbol, and the presence of a domain. For example, users often fill in the subscription forms not so attentively (others do it intentionally), and you can find in your list such email addresses as “” or “gmail@com”.  
  • Domain validation. The process verifies the existence of the domain associated with each email address. It checks for the presence of MX records, which indicate the servers responsible for handling email for that domain.
  • Mailbox existence check. This step confirms whether a mailbox is associated with each email address. It may involve establishing a connection with the mail server and checking for an active mailbox.
  • Spam filter check. Some validation tools also check if an email address is flagged as spam or if it is a temporary or disposable address. This helps identify potential deliverability issues.
  • Sender reputation analysis. Some services analyze the sender’s reputation by evaluating their sending history and interactions with recipients. This assessment helps gauge the likelihood of successful delivery and acceptance by recipients.

The specific checks and accuracy of validation may vary depending on the chosen tools or services. Therefore, it’s recommended to select a reliable and reputable validation service that offers comprehensive features tailored to your specific needs.

The benefits of email validation

Email newsletter validation offers several key advantages:

  • Enhanced deliverability. By removing invalid or incorrect email addresses from your recipient list, validation improves the chances of your newsletters reaching the intended recipients’ inboxes. 
  • Guarding sender reputation. Sending emails to invalid, or inactive addresses can harm your sender reputation. Validation helps maintain a positive reputation, increasing the likelihood of successful delivery to recipients’ inboxes and minimizing the risk of being marked as spam.
  • Increased audience engagement. By ensuring that your newsletters reach recipients who are genuinely interested in your content, validation improves audience engagement. This leads to higher open and click-through rates, increased interaction, and stronger relationships with your audience.
  • Resource optimization. Validating your email list helps save resources by eliminating invalid addresses. This allows you to focus your efforts and resources on engaging with active and interested audiences, maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Email Validation: How to Reach High Deliverability and Open Rates


Email newsletter validation is a crucial tool for ensuring the successful delivery of newsletters, preserving sender reputation, and enhancing audience engagement. By implementing the validation process, you can enhance newsletter deliverability, minimize bounce rates and returns, and strengthen your sender reputation. Additionally, it saves valuable time and resources by removing invalid addresses from your mailing list, enabling you to concentrate on engaging with an active and interested audience.

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