Best Practices for Conversion Tracking

23 November 2023
Reading: 6 min

Picture this: you’re cruising around the digital marketing world, where data is pretty much your road map. Think of conversion tracking as your super handy GPS, which keeps tabs on how many folks click on your ads and do something awesome, like buy your stuff, sign up for your newsletter, or just hang out on your site. 

Now, conversion tracking isn’t just a fancy add-on. No way, it’s a must-have! It’s the one who whispers in your ear telling you how good you’re doing (or not) in your marketing efforts and whether you’re getting your money’s worth. Without conversion tracking, you’re pretty much sailing blindfolded — you’re on the move, but have no clue if you’re heading the right way. 

Best Practices for Conversion Tracking

The importance of conversion tracking

Whether you’re tossing ads out there with PPC, storming the social media scene, or bombarding inboxes with email marketing, conversion tracking is there to tell you what’s hot and what’s not. Think of it as your personal Sherlock Holmes, figuring out where your leads, sales, and customer love are coming from.

Next up, let’s chat about ROI, Return On Investment. In this marketing madness, everyone’s hustle is to get more for less. And here’s where conversion tracking takes the award. By showing you exactly how people are interacting with your ads and what they’re doing afterward, conversion tracking helps you sharpen how you distribute your ad budget. It’s all about pinpointing which campaigns are basically printing money for you.

Setting up conversion tracking

Imagine this — you’re running a digital marketing campaign, and your key aim is to turn viewers into doers. You want clicks, views, and purchases. To figure out if you’re crushing it, you need conversion tracking. 

Steps in establishing conversion tracking in different platforms

We live in a world with a freaky amount of digital platforms, each with its own way of tracking conversions. Let’s break it down for a couple of big ones:

  • Google Analytics. First in line is Google. You have to tell them what you want to track. Maybe page visits get you excited, or the time spent browsing your site. Once you’ve got your goal sorted, you can start collecting the data. Pop into the admin bit of Google Analytics, find Goals under the view column, hit “+New Goal,” and bam — you’re on your way!
  • Facebook Ads Manager. Facebook makes life easy with their pixel tool. Get started by creating a Facebook pixel in your Ads Manager. Drop it into your website and then check if it’s doing its job alright. Once you’ve got a thumbs up, you can start setting your conversions on Facebook, same as with Google.

Common pitfalls to avoid 

It’s not all smooth sailing — here are a few speed bumps you have to avoid:

  1. Not setting up tracking correctly. A silly mistake like botched code can throw your data into chaos. Double-check everything and make sure conversions are being tracked right.
  2. Overlooking attribution. Most users need a few ad nudges before they convert. Attribution gives credit where it’s due — to every single touch-point. Don’t underestimate its value because you’re too focused on the final click.
  3. Ignoring small conversions. It’s not just about big wins like purchases — small wins like newsletter sign-ups can also tell you a lot about your future customers.

Best Practices for Conversion Tracking

Interpreting conversion data

Think of conversion data like a massive jigsaw puzzle. If you suss out how pieces fit, you’ll strike gold — insights about your marketing game plan.

The ABC of conversion metrics

Let’s get started with some primary conversion metrics:

  • Conversion rate. This is basically your score of successful plays — it’s the percentage of your peeps who actually do what you want them to do. That could be anything from buys to sign-ups, downloads, etc. High conversion rates typically mean you’re serving up a slick user experience and a call-to-action they can’t resist.
  • Cost per conversion (CPC). Here’s where we talk money. CPC tells you how much your business is shelling out for each conversion. It’s like the fortune-teller of metrics, showing you which marketing strategies are the real deal.
  • Click-through conversion rate. This one’s all about how many clicks get you a big win. Hitting hypothetical mode, if a thousand folks clicked on your ad and a sweet 10 of them end up taking home your product — you’ve got a 1% click-through conversion rate. If it’s low, then maybe your ads and your audience are like oil and water — they just aren’t mixing. 

Case studies

Let’s check out some fictional stories about how to flex those data muscles and unpack conversion data correctly:

  • Organic Pet Foods Inc. So these guys were drawing crowds on their website, but when it came to buying, the takers were few. A quick peek at the data and — the penny drops! The high shipping fees were the downer. So they tangoed with their pricing and voilà, the purchase conversion rates took an uphill turn.Best Practices for Conversion Tracking


  • Fast Fitness Co. The folks at this sports equipment shop were watching their Facebook ads do more window dressing than actual selling. Their deep-dive into the data? The ads were pulling more window shoppers than individuals ready to buy. So they pulled up their socks, reoriented their Facebook ad strategy to hash out the fitness enthusiast crowd more, and they were back in the game!

Keys to link conversion data to your marketing acts

  1. Slice and dice your data. Get a broken-down view of your data based on different strategies. Spot the ones fueling conversions, give them a double shot, and fix or drop the slackers.
  2. Test your campaigns. What’s marketing without a bit of experiment? Twist an element here, swap a headline or image there in your ad, and keep an eye on the conversion rates. Then revamp your moves according to what works.
  3. Observe and learn. Make your conversion data your crystal ball to your customers’ behavior. If more conversions are happening on mobile, for instance, you need your marketing acts pulling stunts optimized for mobile.

Don’t let yourself drown in the data deluge. Keep your eyes on the metrics that matter. 

Best Practices for Conversion Tracking


Conversion tracking is the compass for navigating the seas of digital marketing. It gives us a fine-tuned, data-driven approach to understanding customer behavior, assessing the success of campaigns, and optimizing for greater returns on investment. By setting it up correctly on different platforms, steering clear of common pitfalls, and harnessing the power of data interpretation, we can find our way to higher conversion rates. 

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