Ad Libraries for Affiliate Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

14 April 2023
Reading: 2 min

Grey-hat and black-hat affiliate marketing often raise issues of spy services to obtain information on competitors’ activities, which is not an entirely honest strategy. However, there is one tool that will allow an affiliate and any other marketing professional to feel like Agent 007 without remorse. It’s all about an advertising library. 

The essence of ad libraries

The ad library is a public resource that contains information about all the ads run within a media holding (i.e. Instagram and Facebook in Meta’s case) or a specific social network (e.g. TikTok). It is a tool worth adopting for beginners and experienced affiliates or marketers because it allows them to monitor their competitors who run ads on major social networks for free.

The library’s purpose is to make the advertising process more transparent and help digital marketing professionals understand what kind of ads are relevant on the platform, what key trends are still viral, which campaign flows and creatives are likely to be successful, and who created them.

Ad Libraries for Affiliate Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

What kind of books data can be found in the ad library?

The ad libraries of Meta and TikTok are both powerful tools for gaining insights into the advertising strategies of businesses and solo affiliates on their respective platforms. They are similar in their mission and functionality, but there are some differences in the user interface and approach to gaining data. The reason for that lies in differences in the concepts of social networks and the content published on them.

The Meta Ad Library

In essence, it is a spy service through which affiliates can research creatives for different verticals, considering several filtering parameters. It is not necessary to have an FB account to take advantage of the ad library, but it is advisable because of some limitations of the social network. For example, unverified users will not be able to view ad data in the 18+ category.

On the Meta Ad Library website, any user can also access the Ad Library application programming interface (API) section directly from the home page. This section allows searching through ads and getting more information on ad creatives, and ad performance data, including cost, the total number of impressions, and demographic information. To connect to the API, you must confirm your identity and GEO, create a developer account and add a new app. 

Ad Libraries for Affiliate Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

Key insights worth your registration in the Meta Ad Library:

  • Creatives. All the ads from Meta products: Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger over the last 5 years.
  • Advertiser accounts. Data of the business pages: name, name changes and dates of these changes, page descriptions, etc.
  • Finance and analytics. Advertising budgets, statistics, advertiser’s CPC and CPM, number, frequency of impressions and clicks, etc.
  • Information about the target audience: interests, GEO, behavior.

In the Meta Advertising Library, any user can approach the following filters:

  • Language
  • Advertiser
  • Platform
  • Media type
  • Active status
  • Impressions by date (with the option to specify range)

Ad Libraries for Affiliate Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

Another thing about searching in the Meta Ad Library is that the service is able to find ads not only by text or picture but also by words spoken in the voiceover of the video creative.

The TikTok Creative Center

The TikTok Creative Center is a fantastic resource for businesses and creators looking to produce engaging and effective content on the platform. The Creative Center provides a wide range of tools and resources to help users create high-quality videos that are optimized for the unique features and audience of TikTok.

One of the most useful features of the Creative Center is the Video Templates section, which provides pre-made templates for a variety of popular TikTok video formats, such as the “Duet” and “React” videos. These templates make it easy for users to create engaging videos that are optimized for the platform, without having to spend a lot of time on editing and formatting.

The Creative Center also provides a range of editing tools and effects, such as filters, stickers, and music, that can be used to enhance the quality and creativity of videos. Additionally, the Center offers valuable insights, such as using humor, incorporating popular trends, and keeping videos short and snappy.

Ad Libraries for Affiliate Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

The TikTok Creative Center offers three useful features to optimize analytics processes in a highly competitive marketplace. 

A portfolio of top ads. Based on official TikTok data, the library provides a compilation of successful advertising cases of the platform with modern search functionality.

Analysis of current trends. Here you can find the latest trends in user-generated content. The data is based on the statistics by hashtags, songs, and the activity of creators and influencers.

Creative guidelines. This feature is about creative production insights and a guide on storytelling patterns. All insights are provided based on visual, audio, and script content analytics.

In the TikTok advertising library, any user can use the following filters:

  • Region
  • Industry
  • Objective
  • Keyword type
  • Data collection period (from 7 to 120 days)

Ad Libraries for Affiliate Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok

It is worth noting that TikTok reserves the right to change the data. They explicitly state on the library’s search page that the table shows approximate values that should not be used as a guide for your advertising campaigns. The company applies algorithms to maintain accurate ranking order while protecting business-sensitive data.

Final thoughts

Both Meta’s Ad Library and TikTok’s Creative Center offer valuable resources for businesses, affiliates, and creators. Meta Ad Library provides a wealth of information on active and inactive ads, including content, targeting options, and engagement metrics. Users can filter ads, making it a useful tool for monitoring competitors on Meta’s social media products (Facebook and Instagram are the most relevant platforms in affiliate marketing). 

Similarly, TikTok’s Creative Center offers a range of tools and resources to help users create engaging and effective content on the platform. It includes pre-made templates, editing tools, and effects to enhance the quality of creatives, as well as insights and tips on how to create content that resonates with TikTok’s target audience

Overall, both ad libraries are great resources for those looking to optimize their advertising and content strategies on Facebook and TikTok. Make the most of your content production capabilities and see a rise in campaign conversions!

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