A Page About Storytelling

4 January 2023
Reading: 5 min

Storytelling is a great way not only to fill a website with content, but to engage the user along the way — find common ground. By highlighting the obstacles you have overcome so far, you invite the potential customer to the backstage of your business. This results in formal communication becoming less formal. The client is able to walk in your shoes, gets the feeling of being introduced to something special and personal, and sees what motivates you to move forward.

About page motivation

Did you know that “About Us” is among the top-10 most visited pages of any website? Your beliefs and values bear significant importance to your potential customers. According to the Andy Crestodina’s article, brand beliefs and values affect 58% of clients into making a purchase and 60% of potential employees to send a CV.

A Page About Storytelling

About page wording

When crafting an about page, make sure you do the following:

  1. Establish the mission statement clearly — obviously this alone will never be enough, but to draw people in, you need to bring it upfront.
  2. Tell your brand story — set up the milestones from the past, each bringing the reader one step closer to where you are today.
  3. Outline how your vision has evolved — your initial strategy might have changed over time, but you are bold enough to go on with the changes.
  4. Highlight the turning point — any good endeavor is based on an idea, use this moment of eureka to spice things up in narration.
  5. Identify your core customer — your landing page should explain the exact people how your business can help.
  6. Explain what you are offering — if you are afraid of overdoing it with too many letters, make some subpages with detailed info.
  7. Point out some loyal customers — link the most notable figures to case studies, so any reader can verify that you know how to make a success.
  8. Describe your values — in doing so, not only you help the clients to feel treated like human beings; but also set the foundation for future employees who align with your ideals.
  9. Forget about SEO — this page usually does not have any particular keyword your homepage is not targeting already.
  10.  Add call-to-action button — your storytelling page can also act as a sales funnel, much like your home page.

About page design

Not only the wording matters when it comes to making the about us page. The design of the page matter the same, if not more. Designing the storytelling page should be made easier with these 6 simple steps:

  1. Pick the right color scheme — not only should it be consistent with the mainstream colors of the website, but each color itself has a meaning behind. Knowing the psychological effects of the colors can help you plan your campaigns accordingly. For example, if there is red involved, which implies the sense of urgency, then your campaigns should also stress this, by constantly reminding about running out of stock and time. Your wording should be highly emotional and personal.A Page About Storytelling
  2. Include some interesting visuals — take some pictures of the real people working with you. Pay attention to their outfit, so their colors match the palette of the website. If you have troubles with that, think about using a black-and-white filter. Below is an example taken from the Facebook website.A Page About Storytelling
  3. Pay attention to the fonts — fontpair is a great tool for finding the best combinations of the fonts. Also make sure all your fonts are accessible to individuals with disabilities, so everybody gets their full experience, while interacting with your website.A Page About Storytelling
  4. Try to avoid long sentences — long paragraphs are harder to grasp. As a rule of a thumb, 3–4 sentences, containing up to 20 words is more than enough.
  5. Check your page responsiveness — different devices have different resolution. To make sure everything goes smoothly, use special tools like Responsive Web Design Checker.A Page About Storytelling
  6. Your load time matters — during the informational age, nobody likes to wait even 10 seconds. Take that into consideration while making the about page and lower the resolutions of the pictures, should any delays happen. To check your webpage load time, use the tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.


About page is more than just a mission statement. You have to deliver a short, interesting, and one-of-a-kind story to your customer. Of course, you are free not to do this at all, but if you really want to get closer with your clients — this is the best bet to break the shackles of corporate rigidness. There are multiple ways of making your about page remarkable, but most importantly is the wording you use and visuals you choose. Put yourself in the shoes of your client and do it the way that would make you feel satisfied — the rest will come naturally.

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