3 Ways to Drive Organic App Installs

15 July 2020
Reading: 5 min

3 Ways to Drive Organic App Installs

Affiliate wisdom has it that there’s nothing better than organic traffic to get more users and boost your app retention rates. Indeed, no matter where you launch your ads and buy ad inventory from, organic traffic is the most effective source of app installs both in terms of conversion rate and user activity.

Your app ranking in app stores is closely tied up with organic installs and user engagement. If your app receives a lot of organic traffic, it will be ranked higher, which will drive installs.

More importantly, organic installs are a financially friendly solution you don’t have to spend money on (which can’t be said about time input, however).

In this article, we are going to break down three simple steps to boost organic traffic to your app.

Ask users for app reviews

People generally enjoy sharing their honest opinions and reading other purchasers’ reviews. Apps such as Tripadvisor exist because society is incessantly compelled to analyze and evaluate everything. Before making a buying decision, users look for assurance and answers to their questions in reviews and comments.

The same goes for mobile apps, even free ones. Users invest both their money and time installing the app, and no one wants these investments to go to waste. This is where reviews and comments can prove to be very useful.

3 Ways to Drive Organic App Installs

3 Ways to Drive Organic App Installs

So, don’t hesitate to ask users to leave a review or rate your app. The more users share their opinion about your app, the more people will want to install it on their smartphone. You can ask any media buyer who is driving traffic to apps to comment on the importance of app reviews and how to ask for feedback the smart way.

Don’t forget that reviews are not meant to be one-sided. By initiating and entering a dialogue with users, you show that you care about them and strive for better user experience. This allows you to create a loyal user base and secure higher retention rates.

The App Store likes to promote apps that are highly rated and frequently reviewed, as stated in the company’s official sources. For iOS products, you can easily integrate the “rate this app” banner using the SKStoreReviewController API.

However, try not to overdo it when asking for feedback. Know when to stop, as users can easily get annoyed at incessant pop-ups asking for their review. Try to avoid negative feedback as much as possible.

A positive app rating can help you boost installs and your app’s ranking in search results. It may seem that managing and processing feedback is easy, but this is true only if you adopt a careful strategy towards asking for reviews and ratings for your app.

Enable app sharing

The ability to share something with your friends and family plays a huge role in today’s digital ecosystem. When people see something they like, they immediately want to share it with others. A piece of content can go viral for many reasons, and it doesn’t have to involve a lot of time and effort. A short caption can be more than enough sometimes. It all about igniting a team spirit. You can use words like “we” and “together”, as well as community-bolstering hashtags, such as #DreamTeam.

Sharing does work because people trust the recommendations of their friends and family. As with reviews and ratings, you would want the user to share your app when they feel they like it. The goal is to find these in-app moments that can prompt sharing.

Another effective strategy is to reward users. You have most likely seen banners offering rewards for shares or invites. When used wisely, this strategy is a win-win for everyone. Your current audience has an incentive to continue using your app, and new users have a reason to install your app. This is how organic installs are driven.


Apple says that 70% of App Store visitors use search to discover new apps. The implication is that app store optimization (ASO) is a primary force behind organic app installs. ASO is a tactic for improving your app’s visibility in an app store. To put it simply, it helps your app to rank higher in search results. You can find more information on the best ASO practices here.

3 Ways to Drive Organic App Installs

ASO is a huge factor behind successful app promotion. Users generally don’t scroll through all the search results, and ASO ensures that your app gets into the first result positions.

Here are a couple of factors to consider when developing a winning ASO strategy:

  • Keywords. The right keywords help you attract more users and increase search result relevancy.
  • Visual elements. Visual form the user’s first impression of your app. So, they need to be appealing and help your app stand out from the crowd. For instance, you can add an app preview video to tell users more about your app. Also, be sure to add screenshots illustrating the functionality of your app.
  • Localization. Do research to find out which countries your app will be cost-effective in and add keywords in the respective languages. Localizing your app automatically widens its reach.

Remember that driving organic installs is an ongoing process. You should always respond to user comments, issue new press releases along with the updates, and put ASO into practice to stay on top of your game.

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