$100k on adult games with PPS

4 May 2022
Reading: 15 min

Starter pack: entering the adult games niche with Cpamatica

$100k on adult games with PPS

My statistics for one year with the adult games niche via the Cpamatica network

Hello, fellow colleagues! Today I will share my knowledge and observations about WHAT you need to do to start making money in the adult games niche under the PPS model and I’ll also tell you HOW you can do it.

A quick intro

My name is Alexander. I finished my studies 7 years ago and became a shop teacher. After a year, I realized that I could afford only the bare necessities with my teacher’s salary. Yet, I wanted something beyond that, so I decided to change my path. I experimented with different ways of making money and eventually came to the adult traffic niche. I began creating my first adult games website from scratch. And from that moment, everything’s changed.

The site has grown, and I experimented a lot with different approaches to boosting conversions. Having gained experience and getting an idea of ​​how it all works, I decided to increase volumes and break into the competitive world of adult affiliate marketing (my brother pushed into this, he said that I shouldn’t stop with organic traffic and I could monetize others’ traffic as well).

Thus, I became not only a webmaster, but also an affiliate marketer. It’s been 6 years, and now I want to share my experience for the first time so that you can have a shot at the PPS adult games niche.

So, what’s PPS and what do you do with it?

PPS (Pay Per Sale) is a payment model in which commission is paid for sales, often depending on the amount spent by the referred customer.

In our case, we will receive big commissions on purchases by the visitors referred by us to the partner’s page… In short, we receive money immediately after a person enters their credit card details to access an adult game.

In my opinion, this is the most stable and profitable model. No one will accuse you of fraud, which often happens with SOI offers. Here, you receive payment for completed purchase. Forget the word “fraud” and the risks of losing money due to fakes — bots don’t own credit cards =)

There are two types of payment:

  1. PPS FULL — You are paid $50–$100 when someone buys full access to games, $8–$11 if there isn’t enough money on the visitor’s card for full access, and $1 if there are no funds on the card, but it is valid.
  2. PPS FIXED — It’s more simple. You get a fixed amount of $25–45 if a visitor’s card is valid and has money on it (based on my observations, more than $1 is enough).

Tip # 1: I recommend working with PPS FULL offers. After a weekly split test, PPS FULL had 3 times higher CR compared to PPS FIXED.

Where to find PPS offers and who to work with?

Good question! There are tons of affiliate networks out there, all of which will try to hunt you once you’ve shown good progress. Personally, I work with the Cpamatica affiliate network. After 5 years of doing business with them, I can’t think of any drawbacks. On the contrary, they have plenty of advantages for affiliates working with adult games niche:

  1. As of the time of writing, they have 40+ offers for adult games for various GEOs. Check out cpaverticals.io to learn more about the adult games vertical.
  2. Each offer has pre-installed landing pages.
  3. Weekly payments with a possibility of early payments — A HUGE PLUS, especially when you decide to scale your campaigns.

I recommend using the following multilingual offers:

  • 7474. SlutSaga — Mobile/Desktop [WW]
  • 6338. Premium Adult Games — Mobile/Desktop [WW]
  • 6850. Standard iFrame for Adult Games — Mobile/Desktop [WW]

Tip #2: Try working only with multilingual offers and ad formats, since lots of adult sites’ visitors use VPNs. If you target US traffic, don’t expect that the traffic will be 100% from America. Roughly 15% will be people from other countries with a US VPN. Thus, use offers translated into different languages to claim all leads including those with a VPN.

Here are the Top 3 countries with the biggest share of VPN traffic:

  • DE = ~60%
  • FR = ~30%
  • US = ~15%

Keep this in mind!

Which GEOs, devices, and browsers convert best with games?

After numerous tests on 5 million unique visitors, I can say for sure that all countries perform well. Below are the ones that have shown the best performance with a well-structured campaign flow!

This table shows the ratio of leads to registrations per GEO. And it is for PPS FULL offers. I prefer this model since it pays for any action out of three:

Country Number of registrations Full submit card $50–$100 Over limit card $8–$11 Declined card $1
United States 1000 15:1000 20:1000 30:1000
United Kingdom 1000 20:1000 40:1000 60:1000
Canada 1000 15:1000 30:1000 50:1000
Australia 1000 30:1000 60:1000 90:1000
France 1000 20:1000 40:1000 60:1000
Germany 1000 15:1000 20:1000 35:1000
Russia 1000 5:1000 10:1000 15:1000


The rest of the countries also perform ok. But, due to small volumes and the conversion ratio of 5:1000 for PPS FULL, it is not worth your time. Thus, I recommend focusing on the countries I have indicated in the table above: US/CA/AU/UK/FR/DE/RU

What OS and devices perform best?

Again, based on my statistics, Desktop, Tablet, as well as Mobile are all ok, on the condition that you target traffic from the correct OS.

If we take EPC (the total amount of commissions you earn divided by the number of clicks your affiliate links have received) as the main criterion, we get the following results.

Desktop EPC Tablet EPC Mobile EPC
Windows $0.085 Android $0.065 Android $0.035
MacOS $0.065 iOS $0.045 iOS $0.025
Linux     $0.105 Other     $0.025 Other $0.015


Please note that the EPCs of devices don’t vary much, BUT there are several significant nuances, namely…

  • CTR:
    You should know that the click-through rate from MacOS and iOS devices is almost always 2 times lower than from Windows and Android. Take this into account because your bid in an ad network may be the same for all devices. But Apple users click on creatives half as often. And, of course, your conversion cost doubles!
  • eCPM and competitors’ rates:
    Of course, competitors are everywhere, and they will interfere with your campaigns in every possible way. As a result, the cost for different devices can vary dramatically. For example, MacOS and iOS may have two times higher cost for the first rotation than Windows and Android.

But don’t worry about it! I’ll teach you a trick that will help you to make money on PPS games and snatch the right visitors from under your competitors’ noses.

Tip #3: Run separate campaigns for different devices — Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS. Thus, you’ll be able to adjust the bids on devices with declining conversions.

Which browsers to prioritize and which to ignore?

Surprisingly, not all browsers perform equally well. With some, you drive traffic with a smile and look forward to buying a brand-new Porsche. Yet, with others, you sit and wonder why nothing happens!

Let’s first talk about the browsers whose users really have money to make purchases — in our case, access to PPS games.

  • Desktop: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox
  • Mobile & Tablet: Chrome Mobile, Chrome InApp, Safari Mobile, Samsung B, Android WebView

These browsers are the best! Conversions from them are stable, and their users will always have a few bucks to buy something from you — access to erotic games, for example.

If you’re an affiliate with experience and money, feel free to target all the browsers. But if you want to test the waters and try things out safely, I advise using Google Chrome, Google InApp, and Samsung Browser.

Next, I will list the browsers I don’t recommend for ad campaigns due to total lack of volume or completely dead traffic:

  • Desktop: Internet Explorer, Opera, UC Browser
  • Mobile & Tablet: Internet Explorer Mobile, UC Browser, BlackBerry, Chromium, MAUI WAP Browser, Silk, Firefox Mobile, Puffin, DuckDuckGo

From my experience, you should not bother with these browsers. No matter how much I tried, I always went into the red when targeting them.

Browser Statistics, PPS Games United States

$100k on adult games with PPS

$100k on adult games with PPS

The monthly statistics

Of course, these results are to be expected since most people use Google Chrome or Safari. Still, you should pay attention to the browsers that convert with a small number of clicks.

This is a good PASSIVE way to earn at minimal cost!

What about time targeting (dayparting), is it worth it?

Since we’re working with PPS offers, we must understand that we need a high-income audience aged 25–45 years (this age group has the most game conversions in my stats).

Let’s think about this for a minute. It’ll soon become clear that this audience, regardless of GEO, works day and night to provide for their families, mistresses, and pets.

Therefore, it is obvious that people with money in their pockets have free time in the evening, depending on their time zone. The most profitable time for PPS games are the following intervals:

  • 08AM–10AM
    A user wakes up and needs to relax before work (goes to adult sites and sees our ad)
  • 11AM–1PM
    Lunchtime. Those who skip the meal also go to relax on adult sites, so here we are again.
  • 5PM–8PM
    He comes from work, and his wife rejects his advances, making him stressed. So, our dissatisfied visitor goes to porn sites again, and we catch him this time as well. [top time]
  • 10PM–12AM
    Everyone falls asleep, but he grabs a beer to chill or gets lonely — with adult content coming to the rescue. [top time]
  • 03AM–05 AM
    There are two types of people that convert at these hours: “party-goers” and “nerds” — these people go to bed late, but since they’re agitated, they definitely go to adult sites to blow off some steam before going to sleep.

Below is the table of statistics by hours for one month from my tracker, GEO US, offer 7474. SlutSaga — Mobile/Desktop [WW] (Cpamatica.io)

Please note that the time on the screenshots is GMT+3. Take a good look at what you see, as this is valuable information. During this period, I drove all the traffic without a pre-lander.

Hourly statistics, PPS Games, United States, GMT+3

$100k on adult games with PPS

$100k on adult games with PPS

The statistics shown is for 1 month

Tip number 4: If you are planning to launch a native, video, or popup ad campaign, I recommend dayparting. At other times, there will also be conversions, but very few. You can save money to run several ad format instead of covering the whole day.

Notice: Large countries, such as the United States, Russia, and others, have multiple time zones. If you target by time, add a few hours so as not to lose paying visitors.

Jobs-to-be-done approach

What does every affiliate who works with the adult games niche needs? Jobs-to-be-done, or simply put: “how to distract a user who just wanted to watch some porn and lure him to a paid games site”?

There are two types of audience:

  1. Organic — which is already at the Action stage of the flow, this audience goes to Google and searches for porn games, this is the target request. Use SEO to attract these people.
  2. Paid audience is the audience that visits other adult sites. What they want: to relax and enjoy porn.

So, for these people we need to use long landers to make them forget their initial plan. The creative approach may be weird or ugly, as long as it works. Make them forget about free porn and make them want your warm-up content more than anything. 

My tests fully confirm this idea: the longer the landing page, the higher the indicator of valid cards with enough money for full payment. The shorter — the greater the proportion of cards with $1 or less. 

It is also important that the warm-up questions on the landing page cover the widest possible pool of sexual preferences. For example not only BDSM, but also bukake, hentai, hardcore, trans, and so on. 

One question can help you reach a wider audience. Especially if you have dynamic content on the landing page, as in the XXXCyberGames offer. 

Therefore, do not forget about the different preferences and hidden desires of your users.

Just drive the traffic

As I said at the beginning of this case study, I became an adult site webmaster, and only then an affiliate marketer. 

This journey has made me think of a new funnel. I have my own website, which generates organic SEO traffic, and I also buy traffic from other sites. 

A couple of tips for a successful traffic purchase, with ExoClick campaign set-up as an example.

ExoClick is an ad network from Barcelona that provides huge amounts of adult traffic. This source is beloved by many media buyers, including me, because it is the largest source of high-quality adult traffic.

There is a lot of 18+ traffic here!

Therefore, I will write about ExoClick, the minimum deposit is only $200.

Which format to choose

Since we need traffic for adult PPS games, I advise you to start with the native ad format. Create an ad campaign based on the targeting and recommendations I have mentioned earlier in the article. Below, let’s take a look at a campaign launch targeting US.

Step 1:Click on the New Campaign button to start.

$100k on adult games with PPS

Step 2:Choose the ad format, categories and zones that you are interested in (In the screenshot below, I point to the best-performing categories and zones for the PPS adult games niche. This is the best choice to ensure moderate spending and good ROI).

$100k on adult games with PPS

Step 3:When you add creatives, also add your direct link or a link from your tracker, then come up with an interesting title, description, and brand name.

Tip #5: Don’t use your competitors’ headlines, they are LAME! Be creative, be sure to add emojis to your texts to increase CTR.

Examples of successful headlines: 

  • This game is better than sex
  • The Best SEX SIMULATOR 2022
  • WAIT, DON’T JERK OFF! See this game first
    And so on and so forth…

$100k on adult games with PPS

Step 4: I work with Cpamatica offers, they are actively developing the games niche. (Find their exclusive offers here — cpaverticals.io ), I have mentioned them at the beginning of this article. For your creatives, use pictures of 3D girls, so you get fewer clicks from young people who like hentai and anime girls.

$100k on adult games with PPS

Tip #6:Feel free to upload a lot of different images, with short split-tests you can find the Holy Grail that will give you good conversions.

Like landing pages, creatives should be interesting, pictures with BDSM, Teen, Monsters, Transgender, and Futanari work well (people love what they can’t get in real life).

Step 5: set the targeting, I have described this step above, so you will not have any problems.

$100k on adult games with PPS

Step 6: This is the time to select a payment model, I recommend starting with CPC (Pay per Clicks). Since the minimum CPC in ExoClick is only $0.005, we choose this option. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of clicks, but it shouldn’t scare you, since the cost per click is so small =)

Such a pricing policy is good for your budget and you will easily collect a white or black list of sites.

Tip #7: Since Cpamatica has a Postback on registration and purchases, I recommend that you rely on the following factor, which will allow you not to overspend the budget for each individual site.

The optimal price of a simple registration should cost you no more than $0.5–1 (US/CA/UK/AU/NZ/FR/DE). If any of the sites has registration for more than $1, I recommend adding it to the blacklist. In the future, it’s never too late to return to sites that don’t satisfy you now =)

$100k on adult games with PPS

The final step: You can launch the advertising campaign, add bad sites to the blacklist and enjoy conversions!

P.S. At the beginning of the article, I promised to let you into a secret that will allow you to buy traffic and always be in the green, so here it is…

You may not believe me, BUT you should…

NOT BUY ADS AT HIGH RATES — with PPS adult games, late and middle rotations convert just as fine.

So, now you have an understanding of GEOs, time, OS and devices. These tips will help you to enter the niche and stay away from trouble.

Important note #1: I am sure that most of you have your favorite campaign flows that work well for adult offers. Be careful: they may not work in this niche at all. This may sound obvious, but I still have to emphasize it: do not set a large budget on a flow that works with other types of offers. You need to run new tests, and you need to figure this out. Think about the entire path your user takes — they must either be highly motivated to click and make a purchase, or you must warm them up.

Go for it! This niche will make your affiliate dreams come true!

Important note #2: If successful, you’ll no longer want to return to petty SOI offers. Nothing beats PPS after you’ve got the gist of it!

Good luck with adult gaming, and see you next time!

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