What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

31 August 2023
Reading: 7 min

We’ve already discussed the importance of data analytics in marketing. Now it’s time to present an overview on one of the most advanced services for this purpose. Tableau is an excellent data visualization and business intelligence tool used in many digital marketing areas for reporting and analytics of vast data volumes. It helps users create different types of charts, graphs, maps, dashboards, and stories for visualizing and data analytics, to help in making business decisions.

What is Tableau and its key features?

Established in 2003, Tableau embarked on a mission to revolutionize the field of interpretation and comprehension of data. Its inception heralded the dawn of a transformative age, reshaping the methods of conventional data analytics.

Harnessing the power of data visualization

At its essence, Tableau serves as a potent instrument for data visualization and business intelligence, purposefully designed to enable users to create, understand, and leverage the potential of various types of data and files. With an instinctive interface and user-centric functionalities, Tableau streamlines the intricate process of reporting and scrutinizing expansive datasets and file structures. This dynamic tool empowers professionals to create well-informed business strategies by creating meaningful visual representations that transcend mere numbers.

What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

Diverse capabilities

Tableau’s toolkit boasts an array of capabilities that cater to the multifaceted needs of data analysts, business professionals, and decision-makers alike. Let’s explore some of the standout features that have solidified Tableau’s reputation as a front-runner in the business intelligence field.

  • Rapid data discovery: Tableau is engineered to facilitate rapid data discovery and exploration in the data analytics field. With the capability to answer crucial questions within seconds, users gain an unprecedented advantage in deciphering intricate datasets and analyzing files.
  • Accessible to all: one of Tableau’s greatest strengths is its accessibility across different professional fields. Unlike other tools that demand prior programming knowledge, Tableau empowers users of all fields of work to create visualizations of various types effortlessly.
  • Data source flexibility: Tableau’s prowess extends to its exceptional ability to connect with various types of data sources. Going beyond the limits of traditional BI tools, Tableau seamlessly integrates with diverse dataset types, enabling users to create insightful reports by blending and joining information from various source fields.
  • Centralized management: Tableau Server serves as the hub for managing published data sources within organizations of all types. This centralized approach streamlines data management and enhances collaboration among teams, leading to more informed decision-making processes.

Tableau distinguishes itself with remarkable features that cater to various data analysis needs:

  • Rapid data discovery and exploration for various fields
  • No prior programming knowledge required
  • Seamless connection to various data sources
  • Centralized management through Tableau Server
  • Cloud-based analytics with Tableau Online
  • Public sharing with Tableau Public
  • Interactive previews through Tableau Mobile

The Tableau product suite

Tableau offers a range of products to suit different needs and preferences:

  1. Tableau Desktop: create reports, dashboards, and stories with various charts and graphs for the desktop.
  2. Tableau Server: share workbooks and reports across teams within organizations, enhancing collaborative analytics efforts in any professional field
  3. Tableau Online: publish insightful dashboards and share valuable analytics findings seamlessly on the cloud
  4. Tableau Public: exhibit your workbooks on a public cloud platform, making your analytics creations accessible to a broader audience
  5. Tableau Reader: actively engage with and explore reports produced using Tableau Desktop, enhancing your interactive analytics experience
  6. Tableau Mobile: conveniently access your data and analytics reports on-the-go through mobile devices, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity within your field of work

Installing Tableau Desktop 

Getting started with Tableau Desktop involves a few simple steps:

  1. Visit the Products Download and Release Notes page to get started with the desktop option.

    What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

  2. Select the desired version and operating system for downloading Tableau Desktop.

    What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

  3. Install the downloaded file and launch Tableau Desktop.

    What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

  4. Register and activate your Tableau Desktop by entering your product key or signing in.
  5. Well done, now you can start exploring Tableau Desktop!

File types in Tableau

Just as an artist selects their canvas, Tableau offers a variety of file types to capture, share, and explore insights. Let’s delve into this realm and explore the different file types that Tableau supports:

  • Tableau Workbook (.twb): this foundational file type acts as a hub, connecting worksheets, dashboards, and stories into a cohesive tapestry of data exploration.
  • Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx): imagine wrapping your insights as a gift. This compressed package contains all the elements required for sharing, even without access to the original data.
  • Tableau Data Source (.tds): a shortcut to swiftly connect to frequently-used data sources. It includes connection details and any customizations you’ve made.
  • Tableau Packaged Data Source (.tdsx): a comprehensive package that bundles the data source file with local files like extracts, spreadsheets, and more.
  • Tableau Data Extract (.tde or .hyper): a valuable companion for offline analysis. It holds a snapshot of data, useful for sharing insights when offline and enhancing performance.
  • Tableau Bookmark (.tbm): think of it as saving a page in a book for others. It lets you share worksheets with others so they can use them in their own workbooks.

These Tableau file types offer a diverse set of tools to enhance your data journey. They facilitate sharing, collaboration, and exploration, ensuring that your insights reach their full potential.

Creating visualizations

And now, let’s explore the world of creating visuals using Tableau. From sales and profit analysis to geographic mapping, let’s dive into the basics of visualization with Tableau.

  • Sales and profit analysis: delve into sales and profit data across diverse product subcategories and regions, employing a simple yet informative table.
  • Horizontal bar chart: embark on your visualization journey with a horizontal bar chart showcasing subcategory sales, creatively color-coded to highlight corresponding profits. Experiment with sorting and color palettes to enhance visual appeal.

    What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

  • Side-by-side bar chart: elevate your data comprehension with a side-by-side bar chart, adept at comparing sales and profits across subcategories within product categories.
  • Dual-axis chart: discover the power of a dual-axis chart to analyze sales and profits over different order months. Uncover insights with synchronized axes and predictive forecasting.

    What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

  • Blended axis chart: unearth deeper insights by using a blended axis chart to compare two measured values, offering foresight into future trends.
  • Hierarchies: learn the art of creating hierarchies using data fields such as country, state, and city. These structures organize your visualizations logically for enhanced understanding.
  • Highlight table: utilize color to your advantage with a highlight table that provides quick comparisons, making data analysis both efficient and visually appealing.
  • Maps: dive into the realm of geographical insights by utilizing maps to visualize sales and profits across diverse US states. Manipulate bubble sizes and colors to uncover significant patterns.
  • Filled maps: witness the transformation of maps into filled maps, offering an alternative representation for geographic data visualization.

    What is Tableau: Power-packed Tutorial For Beginners

Tableau empowers you to transform raw data into compelling stories, making complex information accessible and comprehensible. As you embark on your journey of mastering visualizations, remember that Tableau is your canvas, and data is your paint. Let’s unveil the stories within your data and bring them to life through captivating visualizations.


Tableau serves as a transformative tool that simplifies data analysis and visualization. With its intuitive interface and user-friendly features, it empowers users to create meaningful visualizations for informed decision-making. Through rapid data discovery, flexible data source connectivity, and robust analytics capabilities, Tableau facilitates the creation of insightful reports and dashboards that drive effective business decisions.

The Tableau product suite offers a range of tailored solutions, encompassing the creation of reports, collaborative workbook sharing, and cloud-based analytics for advanced insights. Its diverse array of file types enables seamless collaboration and exploration, ensuring that vital insights are created, captured, and shared efficiently across teams.

As you embark on your Tableau journey, keep in mind that the tool serves as your creative canvas, and data serves as the palette of colors that bring your insights to life. With Tableau, you hold the power to transform intricate data into captivating visual narratives, bridging the gap between raw data and comprehensive understanding.

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