Take me in! Teams on how to join them

15 April 2019
Reading: 5 min

At our request, the leaders of major affiliate teams told us what they pay attention to first when selecting new members. If you are interested in getting into a team of like-minded people, then this article is a must-read for you, as it covers everything you should know about what is expected of you as a candidate.

We have already discussed the benefits of working in a team, and today we have asked the leaders of affiliate teams what personal characteristics they prioritize when selecting candidates. We have also found out what an affiliate must be aware of before joining a team.

Those who shared their opinion with us are:

  • Ilya Bolgov — head of a CPA marketing team at Realweb. We have also recorded a podcast with him and discussed “white” affiliate marketing methods.
  • Artem “SMOL” Smolyaninov — owner of the “SYRUP” media buying agency.
  • Oleg Kitzon — owner of ArboCPA Team.

And that’s what they told us.

Honesty is one of the most important characteristics. You need to be honest both with yourself and with your employer. Do not exaggerate your results and your achievements, as numbers, unlike people, do not lie.

“As regards personal characteristics, only honesty, openness, and sense. A person must be able to reasonably assess him/herself and understand what he/she needs. If he/she is after money, they should be open about it, “I’m after money”, etc. Many people apply for a job having absolutely no background whatsoever and falsely attributing some merits and skills to themselves. You should be fully aware that nothing will help you if you don’t have aspiration and determination,” said SMOL.

“Openness and honesty. We are open and transparent to all our team members, and we expect the same in return. For instance, all members of our team are equal and respect each other regardless of the position and the money earned,” commented Oleg.

Fast learning abilities and, which is equally important, an adequate assessment of thereof.

“Fast learning abilities. A treacherous thing which many people fail to assess objectively when submitting a CV.  The Facebook and Adwords market is exceptionally volatile, and that’s why it is important to be able to perceive and process new information,” stated Oleg.

Focus on progress, the desire to grow and enhance one’s skills.

“A candidate should focus only on progress. As for me, I look solely at this in “SYRUP”. Even if a person has ROI -100%, but tomorrow it’s -99%, -98%, then it’s a good candidate for me. I see a positive dynamic here,” said SMOL.

“Successive growth. This is the most relevant thing, the lack of which can result in mistrust to a new member and provoke discord within a team. As in any other job, to get a promotion you should prove yourself worthy of it and earn the trust of both your management and your colleagues,” claimed Oleg.

Ambition and initiative, but remember that all is good in moderation.

“Moderate ambitions. Nobody likes upstarts, but too demure a person is unlikely to bring in results,” said Ilya.

Discipline, punctuality, responsibility.

“Responsibility. If you have started doing something, then take responsibility for the result. It is difficult to work with a person who makes a commitment, but then suddenly falls ill, oversleeps or something like that,” added Ilya.

“Punctuality. We are not particularly harsh about this, but we won’t tolerate it if the violation of this rule becomes systematic and turns into impudence,” said Oleg.

Candidates should understand why they want to work in a team and how they will grow there.

“For me personally it is important that candidates have a clear vision of their growth and understand what resources they lack. They should be able to state clearly, “I lack this and that for growth, development or scaling up.” It doesn’t matter whether it’s skills or resources.  I need this to understand whether our work together will be mutually beneficial or not,” said SMOL.

The goals of a candidate and a team should coincide.

“The focus is on money. Affiliate marketing is about money, it’s not SMM, people do not come up with cool creative ideas here. It’s nothing like that. People are supposed to earn money here, and you should strive to earn it and earn more,” asserted Ilya.

“If a team has been put together to secure the marginality of 1 million per month, then each participant must seek to earn 1 million per month,” added Ilya.

Attention to detail.

“Given the large technical infrastructure that we have developed to optimize teamwork, it’s important to learn from old mistakes and summarize all the information if necessary,” said Oleg.

And now the most important thing.

“Teamwork. It presupposes everything mentioned above. You’ll never get far on your own. If you contribute to your team (and you are really making a contribution, not just showing off), then it will be highly appreciated in a properly organized team,” said Ilya.               

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