Rule-Based Optimization by PropellerAds

25 April 2022
Reading: 3 min

PropellerAds team has introduced a new feature in an attempt to make affiliate marketers’ life easier. Rule-Based Optimization allows you to spend less time on routine manual tasks like adjusting bids and excluding poor-converting zones and dedicate your efforts to perfecting your skills and finding new approaches.

Follow these steps to find the Rule-Based Optimization tool on PropellerAds platform:

  1. Enter your PropellerAds account, the feature is available on the Create Campaign page.
  2. Start configuring a new CPC Push or CPC Interstitial campaign. 
  3. Implement Rule-Based Optimization.

This is the interface for CPC Push campaigns:

Rule-Based Optimization by PropellerAds

And this is the CPC Interstitial setup:

Rule-Based Optimization by PropellerAds

The basics of rule-based optimization

Your CPC campaigns can be optimized by a slew of parameters such as conversions, CR, ROI, etc. In the rules, you set the conditions for a specific action to be performed, and when the conditions are met — the platform implements the changes needed to boost the campaign’s performance.

To set some rules for your campaigns, firstly you need to define the terms and conditions that would trigger the action. Among the available conditions are the number of Conversions and Spend that you can set within the Rules section.

Rule-Based Optimization by PropellerAds

The next “if” within the rules are the levels of CPA, CR, ROI, and Conversions, then the tracking period. And finally, you can specify the required action that will take place once the conditions are met.

Rule-Based Optimization by PropellerAds

It’s possible to make the bid higher/ lower or exclude the zone altogether. The “stop at” option ensures that your campaign stays within your budget.

Basically, the whole rule thing works like a big logical algorithm:

If X is higher/lower than Y and CPA/ROI/CR/Conversions is higher/lower than Z within the specified time limit, then take ACTION

Attention! For the time being, it is possible to set a single rule, in the future there will be more options with bigger scope.

When rule-based optimization works best

Automation is always good as it saves time and effort that affiliates spend on manual routine operations. Here are some instances when Rule-Based Optimization works especially well.

  • When your campaign is going strong and it’s time to make things even better. Use CPA as your main parameter and increase the bid to get more traffic.
  • When you see that some zones are simply burning your budget. Set the Conversions parameter and exclude the zone, so that you won’t waste funds.
  • When your CPA is much higher than CPS and you feel the need to balance your budget. Decrease the bid to make the zone more acceptable.

Advantages of rule-based optimization

There are multiple reasons for you to try out Rule-Based Optimization, here are some of them.

Automatization: this feature saves you from tons of manual work and saves time for more important campaign tasks.

Control: you are in charge of making decisions regarding your campaigns.

Budget safekeeping: better optimization allows you to avoid unreasonably high CPAs.

Efficient scaling: you can automatically increase the bids for performing campaigns to reach even bigger heights.

Smart testing: efficient testing of new hypotheses with limited CPA, ROI, and CR.


Manual work is always tedious and it becomes a real disaster when you have hundreds of ad campaigns. Rule-Based Optimization allows you to devote your time to other campaign-related activities like research and design while also safeguarding your budget. And bear in mind, that Rule-Based Optimization is already available for CPC Interstitial and Push campaigns. More advantages for your benefit!

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