Promoting gambling offers through WebView apps

3 May 2019
Reading: 3 min

Promoting gambling offers through WebView apps

WebView apps is an alternative way of driving traffic to gambling offers. There are certain things to keep in mind when working with this kind of apps, but if you do it right, you can create a profitable funnel.

So, how does a marketing funnel involving WebView apps actually work?

Firstly, let’s consider the key stages of this process. For example, you drive traffic from Facebook to your WebView app. A user installs the app, opens it and sees an offer. Facebook is nice to work with because it has certain tools for tracking optimization events such as installs. Besides, the traffic quality there is pretty good.

But what is a WebView app? What key features does it have?

It’s comprised of two elements:

  1. A pretty simple game such as a slot machine or something like that. However, the game should be available offline in order to pass moderation in AppStore or Google Play.
  2. The WebView part is pretty simple too because it’s just a few lines of code bound to a button. So, once a user pushes the “Play” button, he or she will be shown a webpage container with the offer.

There are two reasons why using a WebView app is better than driving traffic directly to a landing. Firstly, as users install an app, it is possible to persuade them into making a deposit using push notifications. Secondly, Facebook has relatively simple moderation rules when it comes to apps that have been already approved by an app store.

As regards creatives, they are pretty much the same as when driving traffic directly to an offer. Slot machines, a review of an app, some luxury lifestyle photos will perform pretty well. The problem is that you should jam these creatives into a 10-15-second video.

When it comes to making apps, there are two ways. If you are familiar with coding and can write your own game, then you can make an app in Android Studio or in other SDK. There are many manuals and tips on making these simple games, and you can even use templates. If you don’t know how to code, then you can hire a freelancer. An app will cost you around $100.

After you have created an app and passed moderation in an app store, a game should be put on hold for a couple of days before you start driving traffic to it. The majority of apps pass an app store moderation, so there’s no need to worry. However, casino creatives should better be cloaked.

The app will be active and profitable for a while. However, once an app has been installed a certain number of times, it will be subject to a manual check and probably banned. The other reason behind a ban is negative reviews.

However, certain problems may arise when promoting offers this way. First and foremost, you need to farm Facebook accounts, which takes a lot of time and resources. The second problem is the caps. For instance, when an offer keeps generating conversions, but it has reached its daily cap, you should ask your AM to increase your cap to continue making money.

In the majority of cases, you will receive a payout when a user makes their first deposit. The conversion rate is approximately one deposit per 50 installs. So, that’s pretty good.

And remember that if a campaign doesn’t convert at all, then something is wrong with the offer.

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