The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

2 August 2023
Reading: 9 min

Social media platforms are constantly evolving, and Twitter is no exception. With new leadership and changes in the platform, content creators and marketers must stay proactive and updated with the latest information. Elon Musk’s takeover in 2022 signaled inevitable changes on Twitter (now Amidst these changes, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is image sizes. Incorrect image dimensions can lead to distorted or cropped content, and improperly optimized images might even be rejected by the platform. In this article, we present an ultimate Twitter image size guide for 2023 to ensure your visuals appear polished and optimized for the platform.

Twitter’s visual identity and evolving features

Twitter is constantly evolving, and as content creators and marketers, it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest changes. The platform’s visual identity has transformed over time, bringing in exciting new features and visual cues to make your Twitter experience more engaging and trustworthy.

  1. Verification checkmarks: you’ve probably seen those blue checkmarks on Twitter profiles. They represent verified accounts, such as public figures and celebrities. When you spot that blue checkmark, you know you’re interacting with a genuine and credible account. It adds an extra layer of trust to your Twitter interactions.
  2. Business accounts: Twitter has introduced gold checkmarks to identify business accounts. These help you distinguish between personal and company profiles easily. When you see a gold checkmark, you know it’s a brand or business that’s reaching out to you.
  3. Government and multilateral accounts: for an inclusive experience, Twitter uses gray checkmarks to represent government and multilateral accounts. This helps you recognize official government profiles and international organization accounts.

Twitter’s importance in marketing strategies

Despite changes and uncertainties, Twitter remains a crucial part of any successful marketing strategy. It’s a powerful platform for news, public discussions, and brand outreach. Embracing Twitter’s updates and features can lead to better marketing results.

Tips for crafting effective strategies

  1. Stay updated: keep track of Twitter’s latest updates and features. Being proactive ensures that you’re using the platform to its fullest potential.
  2. Utilize visual identity: incorporate verification checkmarks and visual cues into your content. It adds credibility and trustworthiness to your brand.
  3. Analyze and refine: regularly analyze data and monitor trends to tailor your strategies. Adapting to user preferences will help you create more engaging content.

The significance of proper image sizes on Twitter

In today’s digital age, social media plays a central role in marketing strategies, and Twitter stands out as a powerful platform with unique benefits for businesses and brands. Despite the ever-changing landscape of social media, Twitter’s significance in marketing remains unwavering. Let’s delve into why Twitter should be a key component of your marketing arsenal.

Real-time engagement

One of Twitter’s biggest strengths is its real-time nature. It’s a dynamic platform where conversations unfold instantaneously. Marketers can capitalize on trending topics, events, and breaking news to engage with their audience at the right moment. This real-time engagement fosters a sense of authenticity and connection with users.

Amplifying your reach

With over millions of active users worldwide, Twitter provides a massive audience to reach potential customers and followers. Hashtags and retweets can exponentially amplify your content’s visibility, making it easier for your brand to gain exposure and go viral.

Direct communication

Twitter allows direct communication between brands and their audience. Brands can respond to queries, provide customer support, and engage in meaningful conversations with their followers. This personalized approach builds trust and loyalty among customers.

Building brand identity

Twitter enables brands to showcase their unique identity and voice. Consistent tweeting, creative content, and a well-defined brand personality help establish a strong brand identity in the minds of users.

Influencer marketing

Twitter is a hub for influencers with massive followings. Partnering with relevant influencers can boost brand awareness and credibility. Influencers can create authentic content, promote products, and introduce your brand to their dedicated followers.

Lead generation

Twitter offers lead generation cards and website cards to drive conversions and capture potential customers’ information. These cards facilitate a seamless process for users to express interest and take action directly on the platform.

Measurable analytics

Twitter provides valuable analytics tools that allow marketers to track the performance of their tweets and campaigns. By analyzing metrics such as engagement rates, click-throughs, and impressions, businesses can refine their strategies for better results.

Social listening

Twitter acts as an insightful tool for social listening. Marketers can monitor conversations and gather feedback about their brand, products, or industry. This data-driven approach helps in making informed business decisions.

Thought leadership

Consistently sharing valuable content and industry insights can position your brand as a thought leader in your niche. By contributing to relevant discussions, you establish expertise and authority in your field.

Viral marketing opportunities

Twitter’s fast-paced nature makes it conducive for content to go viral. Clever and shareable content can spread like wildfire, giving your brand immense exposure and visibility.

Optimizing profile, header, and tweet image sizes

Profile picture

Twitter transitioned from square to round profile pictures in 2017, and the current aspect ratio is 1:1. To put your best face forward, use a 400px X 400px image in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, with a maximum file size of 2MB. Consistency across social accounts and a clear, uncluttered background enhance brand recognition.

The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

Twitter header photo

Twitter headers are now static and no longer responsive. Stick to a 3:1 aspect ratio, 1500px X 500px size, and a maximum file size of 2MB for banners. You can edit banner images on desktop or mobile devices, but theme colors can only be updated on the Twitter website.

The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

In-stream images

The ideal image size ranges from 1600px X 900px (2:1 to 1:1 aspect ratio) on desktop to 2:1, 3:4, and 16:9 on mobile. Ensure vital content is centered to avoid cropping and keep image files within 5MB for photos and animated GIFs or up to 15MB when posting via the website. Posting multiple images allows various arrangements (2X2 grid or stacked side by side) with different aspect ratios.

You can tweet up to four images per post. Two images will appear stacked side by side, both with an aspect ratio of 7:8.

The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

If you’re posting three images in a tweet, one will appear larger (in a 7:8 ratio) and the other two in a 4:7 ratio.

The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

Four images will be arranged in a 2X2 grid. Each image will have a 2:1 aspect ratio.

The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

Understanding Twitter card image sizes

Twitter Cards provide rich media sharing for posted links, and the featured image’s compressed version appears in the tweet. To avoid trimmed captions, use 1.91:1 or 800px X 418px image dimensions for Twitter Card images. Twitter automatically generates these cards if the “twitter:card” property is enabled on the linked website.

Types of Twitter cards and their sizes

Twitter offers various types of cards that allow users to display different types of content in tweets, ranging from images and videos to mobile app information. Each card has specific dimensions and guidelines for the best visual presentation. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of Twitter cards and their recommended sizes to help you make the most of your Twitter marketing efforts.

Summary Card

The summary card is a versatile card type that displays a thumbnail of the featured image, the page title, the author’s name, and a brief description of up to 200 characters. To ensure your summary card looks its best, follow these specifications:

  • Aspect Ratio: 2:1
  • Thumbnail Size: Between 120 x 90 and 120 x 120 pixels
  • File Size: Not more than 1MB

The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

Player Card

The player card is perfect for sharing audio or video clips in tweets instead of static images. To optimize your player card’s appearance, adhere to the following dimensions:

  • Thumbnail Size: More than 350 x 196 pixels
  • Aspect Ratios: 1:1 and 16:9
  • Clip Size: Shouldn’t exceed 1MB

The Ultimate Twitter Image Size Guide for 2023

App Card 

The app card is designed to represent mobile applications and drive installs. With this card, you can showcase your app’s name, description, and logo, and even highlight essential features like pricing and rates. Here are the key specifications for the app card:

  • Thumbnail Size: Follow the same aspect ratio as in-stream tweets with four pictures.
  • Description: Not to exceed 200 characters.
  • Aspect Ratio: Consistent with in-stream tweets, such as 1:1 or 16:9.

Twitter ad image sizes for maximum impact

Twitter Ad Image Sizes Twitter provides marketers and entrepreneurs with lead generation cards and website cards, also known as “ads”, to facilitate lead generation and sales conversions. These ad cards stand out in cluttered streams and encourage viewers to take desired actions. Here are the optimal image sizes for these cards:

Lead generation cards

Lead generation cards consist of an offer, an image, a call-to-action, and an option to collect the names and email addresses of users. To ensure your lead generation cards make an impact, use the recommended image size of 800px x 200px.

Website cards

Website cards are ideal for boosting website traffic. They include a website’s banner image, description, and direct link. To maximize the effectiveness of your website cards, follow the prescribed image size of 800px x 320px.

Twitter carousel ads

Carousel ads on Twitter offer more engaging formats that help maximize gains from advertising efforts. By combining images and videos in one carousel, you can provide more information and captivate your audience effectively. Here are the optimal image sizes for carousel ads:

Image assets

  • Aspect Ratios: 1.91:1 or 1:1
  • Recommended Image Sizes: 800px x 418px for 1.91:1 images, and 800px x 800px for 1:1 images.

Video assets

  • Aspect Ratios: 16:9 or 1:1
  • Recommended Video Sizes: 800px x 450px for 16:9 videos, and 800px x 800px for 1:1 videos.

Remember to keep the aspect ratios consistent within each carousel to ensure a seamless viewing experience.


As Twitter continues to evolve, optimizing your ad visuals becomes crucial for maximizing returns and engaging with your audience effectively. Following our comprehensive Twitter image size guide ensures your content appears polished and optimized, creating a favorable impression on viewers. Properly-sized images contribute to a seamless and visually appealing user experience, regardless of the changes and updates the platform may bring. Stay informed, stay optimized, and let your visuals shine on Twitter.

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