The Final Push: Driving Purchase Decisions with Effective Bottom-of-the-Funnel Marketing

11 October 2023
Reading: 7 min

How to motivate online shoppers to make a purchase and become loyal to your brand, even when they are not physically present in a store but interact with it through their laptop or phone?

This is where a well-crafted bottom-of-the-funnel (BOF) marketing strategy becomes invaluable. From a digital marketing perspective, BOF marketing plays a crucial role in persuading potential customers to make a purchase. It acts as a bridge between the consideration stage, which is in the middle of the marketing funnel, and the conversion stage, by providing that final incentive or push to help them make an informed decision.

In this article, we will explore various tactics that have proven to be effective in BOF marketing. They will equip you with the knowledge to master the art of bottom-of-the-tunnel marketing and successfully convert potential customers into loyal repeat buyers.

The Final Push: Driving Purchase Decisions with Effective Bottom-of-the-Funnel Marketing

What is bottom funnel marketing

Bottom-of-the-funnel (BOF) marketing is the final stage of the marketing funnel. 

The main objective: to direct people to a conversion and encourage them to take action. 

At this stage, the goal is to persuade potential customers to make a purchase by providing compelling content that encourages them to take action. By the time people reach the BOF stage, they are already interacting with content at the top of the tunnel (TOF) and in the middle of the tunnel (MOF) that aims to educate and build trust. 

To effectively engage potential customers at the BOF stage:

  • Content should be as personalized as possible. It should resonate with those who have already shown interest in your brand and help them make a decision to click through and convert. 
  • BOF content should demonstrate why your product or service is the best solution to meet their specific needs.

Bottom-of-the-funnel conversion enhancement tactics

Implementing effective marketing tactics at the BOF stage is critical for increasing conversions and maximizing profits. Here are five key tactics that you can use to attract leads at this stage and convert them:

  • Message personalization. As we’ve already said, personalizing messages to meet the specific needs and interests of potential customers is crucial during the BOF stage. Providing customized content, such as personalized emails or targeted product recommendations, creates a more compelling and relevant experience that encourages customers to take action.
  • Social proof and testimonials. Utilizing social proof, such as customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies, has a significant impact on purchase decisions. Sharing positive reviews and success stories from satisfied customers builds trust and credibility, making potential buyers more likely to convert.
  • Limited-time offers and discounts. Creating a sense of urgency through limited-time offers and exclusive discounts is highly effective in increasing conversions. By highlighting limited-time or limited-quantity offers, you can encourage potential customers to make a purchase sooner rather than later.
  • Remarketing and retargeting. Implementing remarketing and retargeting strategies allows you to reconnect with potential customers who have previously shown interest in your brand or products. By displaying targeted ads on various online platforms, you can remind them of their initial interest and encourage them to revisit your website and complete a purchase.
  • Product demos. Product demos serve as an effective way to showcase the value of a product or service and motivate potential customers to make a purchase. These demonstrations can be conducted through pre-recorded videos or live sessions. Product demos address any questions or concerns potential customers may have, helping them overcome any hesitations and move closer to making a purchase.
  • Clear call-to-action (CTA). A strong and clear CTA is essential to guide potential customers towards conversion. Whether it’s a prominent “Buy Now” button or a compelling CTA in email marketing campaigns, providing shoppers with a direct and clear path to action significantly increases conversion rates.

The Final Push: Driving Purchase Decisions with Effective Bottom-of-the-Funnel Marketing

Examples of BOF content

Bottom-of-the-funnel content plays a crucial role in driving conversions and encouraging potential customers to take action. Here are some BOF content ideas tailored to specific affiliate marketing verticals:


  • Game reviews and recommendations. These can be in-depth reviews and recommendations for popular casino games, sports betting strategies, or online poker tips.
  • Exclusive bonus offers. Offer special bonuses or promotions for signing up with specific iGaming platforms, such as free spins, deposit matches, or loyalty rewards.
  • Live-streaming and tutorials. Stream live-gameplay sessions or create tutorials to showcase the excitement and features of different iGaming experiences, encouraging potential customers to join and play.


  • Educational content. Create guides, tutorials, and explainer videos that cover the basics of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and different investment strategies to help potential customers understand the industry.
  • Portfolio management tips. Share tips and insights on managing a crypto portfolio, including diversification strategies, risk management, and long-term investment approaches.
  • ICO and token sale updates. Provide updates and analysis on upcoming Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and token sales, highlighting potential investment opportunities and risks.


  • Meal plans and recipes. Develop customized meal plans and share healthy recipes that align with specific dietary goals or restrictions, providing potential customers with practical and actionable nutrition guidance.
  • Expert interviews and Q&A sessions. Conduct interviews with nutrition experts or host live Q&A sessions to address common questions and concerns related to nutrition, supplements, and healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Success stories. Share inspiring success stories of individuals who have achieved their health and fitness goals through proper nutrition, showcasing the positive impact it can have on overall well-being.

Remember, when creating BOF content, it’s essential to focus on providing value, addressing potential customers’ pain points, and offering solutions that align with their specific needs and interests.

BOF metrics

BOF metrics are KPIs that measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts in driving conversions and sales. These metrics provide insights into the final stages of the customer journey and help evaluate the success of strategies implemented to encourage purchase decisions. Here are some important BOF metrics to consider:

  • Conversion rate (CR). The conversion rate measures the percentage of website visitors or leads who take the desired action, such as making a purchase or completing a form. 
  • Average Order Value (AOV). AOV measures the average amount spent by customers in a single transaction. Monitoring AOV helps identify opportunities to increase sales by encouraging customers to spend more or by offering upsells and cross-sells.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). CLV estimates the total value a customer is expected to generate over their entire relationship with your business. Understanding CLV helps prioritize customer retention strategies and allocate resources effectively.
  • Cart Abandonment Rate. The cart abandonment rate measures the percentage of users who add items to their shopping cart but do not complete the purchase. Tracking this metric helps identify potential barriers or friction points in the buying process and optimize the checkout experience.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). ROAS measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. It helps evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in driving bottom-of-funnel conversions and assess the profitability of marketing investments.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). CAC calculates the average cost of acquiring a new customer. By comparing CAC with CLV, you can determine the profitability of acquiring new customers and make informed decisions about marketing budgets and strategies.

The Final Push: Driving Purchase Decisions with Effective Bottom-of-the-Funnel Marketing


A well-executed bottom-of-the-funnel BOF marketing strategy is crucial for motivating online shoppers to make a purchase and become loyal to your brand, even in the absence of physical interaction. By personalizing messages, leveraging social proof, offering limited-time deals, implementing remarketing tactics, conducting product demos, and providing clear calls-to-action, you can effectively guide potential customers through the final stages of the marketing funnel and encourage them to take action. 

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