AD-X: the largest affiliate network with information products in Russia

AD-X: the largest affiliate network with information products in Russia
24 March 2017

AD-X is one of the largest CPA networks for the information business in Russia. This affiliate network appeared in 2015 and it quickly gained popularity among webmasters. The system proposes stable remuneration payments for each subscriber, exclusive offers and quick technical support.

In the system, there are over 11 thousand webmasters, and the income of the top affiliates exceeds 220 thousand rubles per month.

General parameters


Offers: information products of various subjects.

Promotion tools: Landing Page, subaccounts, Postback, etc.

Payment systems: WebMoney.

Payouts: once a week (a minimum amount for withdrawal is 2000 rubles).

AD-X: the largest affiliate network with information products in Russia

Features and advantages of AD-X

The network accepts traffic from Russia, the CIS, and Ukraine. Fraud and all traffic violating the laws are prohibited. Doorway users are allowed as well as those of mobile applications, video channels, teasers, different forums, and blogs.

As a webmaster, you will have to advertise free online seminars, and you are not going to have issues with making money. Courses related to cryptocurrencies and investments are the most common among the latest offers.

What are the major advantages of the affiliate network?

  • Individual offers. The system always accommodates webmasters and is ready to suggest individual remuneration terms.
  • High remuneration. Payment for new users amounts up to 150 rubles.
  • User-friendly interface. The account displays detailed statistics and all the tools which you may need on the way.
  • Referral program. You get 2% of the invited webmaster’s income.
  • Advertising of free products. Most offers are exclusively free information products.
  • Bonuses for partners. Each webmaster can take part in the monthly prize lottery.
AD-X: the largest affiliate network with information products in Russia

Registration and working with the network

The first step you need to take before starting to work with AD-X is to register on their website. The procedure is rather quick and simple and it only takes a couple of minutes. The network’s advantage is that the account is activated by a link from the email – you don’t have to wait for the managers to check out your application and activate your profile.

After registration, you will be able to see the catalog of offers where you can see the most suitable one. Choose information products that are interesting to you and that suit the subject of your website or blog. Pay attention to GEO and the type of remunerations. Most offers pay a fixed amount per lead, but there are offers working on the Revenue Share model.

When submitting an application you need to mention what sources you are going to use to drive traffic (Yandex Advertising Network, targeted ads, emails, etc.)

Like in any other network, in AD-X you can see detailed statistics on all offers. Using the data provided you can see all hits, hosts, confirmed or declined leads.

When publishing the link on your website or blog you can attach the UTM tag to the link to distinguish traffic from different sources and collect the required data.

AD-X is a worthwhile affiliate network to start in affiliate marketing. The system is focused only on information business offers, that’s why there are so many of them and you can probably find something interesting for yourself.