Free ASO Promotion Hacks, Part 1: Text Metadata Optimization

4 August 2023
Reading: 4 min

To boost app revenue, it is essential to focus on two fundamental aspects: acquiring new users and converting free users into paying subscribers. Given the extensive scope of this topic and the desire to delve into the intricacies of both aspects, it is evident that a single article may not suffice to cover all the necessary details comprehensively. Thus, we’ve prepared a series of articles, where we will discuss free promotion hacks for your ASO strategy, providing insights and guidance on how to effectively attract new users and optimize your app to convert them into loyal paying customers.

Today, let’s talk about text metadata optimization

Optimizing your text metadata

To improve your app’s visibility in search results, carefully craft your text metadata and strategically incorporate relevant keywords that have the potential to drive app installations.

Title and subtitle

The App Title and Subtitle play a significant role in app optimization and attracting users. Enhance the visibility of your app’s title and subtitle by optimizing them effectively. 

  • Since users often see only a limited number of characters in search results, it is crucial to strategically position strong, relevant keywords at the beginning of your app title. This approach will not only improve your app’s search ranking but also provide users with a clear understanding of your app’s functionality and benefits.
  • Utilize the maximum character limit provided for your app’s title and subtitle. Even if you can succinctly describe your app within a shorter length, it is advisable to use as many characters as possible to incorporate important keywords. This approach will enhance your app’s chances of ranking higher in search results.
  • When deciding whether to include your brand name in the app title, consider the level of brand recognition your company has. If your brand is not widely known, it may be more effective to place the brand name at the end of the title or even incorporate it into the app icon
  • Place high or medium-frequency keywords into your app’s title and subtitle. Include commonly searched keywords that users are likely to use when looking for apps in your niche. By utilizing these keywords, you can create keyword phrases that align with the words used in the subtitle, short description, and long description. To identify strong keywords, analyze competitor metadata, use suggestions from ASO services, and explore search suggestions provided by the App Store and Google Play.

Description (mostly for Google Play, but not only)

Don’t ignore optimization of your app description to enhance its visibility and appeal to potential users.

  • The field of description is indexed by the Google Play algorithm, making it important to incorporate relevant keywords here. While the words used in the title and subtitle hold greater significance, keywords in the full description can still contribute to your app’s visibility. Unlike other metadata fields, you have the flexibility to repeat keywords multiple times in this section. However, it is recommended to limit keyword repetition.
  • Employ a well-organized structure for your app description. A solid block of text without proper formatting can be challenging for users to read. To ensure readability, divide the description into paragraphs, utilize subheadings, and consider incorporating emojis where appropriate. This approach will make the description more visually appealing and user-friendly.
  • Don’t spam in your Google Play description with excessive repetition of the same keywords. Overusing them can lead to potential penalties from the search algorithm. 
  • Be careful adding app statistics to your Google Play description, as developers are prohibited from including information regarding the number of installations, awards, app ratings, and reviews in the app description. It is important to adhere to these guidelines and focus on providing relevant and compelling information about the app’s features, functionality, and benefits instead.

Keyword field (for App Store)

While the keyword field in the App Store is not visible to users, the search algorithm still indexes it. Hence, you can include a comprehensive range of keywords in the keyword field. This is also an opportunity to incorporate your competitors’ brand names, which may not be permissible in the visible metadata (we didn’t tell you that).

Additional localizations (for App Store)

In the App Store, you can also leverage localization to expand your character limit by 160 characters and effectively target users who speak different languages.


Text metadata plays a vital role in determining the visibility and positioning of your app. It serves as a crucial factor in attracting potential users and driving downloads. The more exposure your app receives, the higher the likelihood of user engagement and downloads. Therefore, optimizing your text metadata is essential for success of your app in the app market, whether it is App Store, Google Play or other platforms.

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